Dream interpretation about Pregnant, Funeral, Knife, Searching, Boyfriend, Children, House, Phone, Baby, Sausage
I was pregnant in Kasigluk AK. I was there for someone’s funeral and I was pregnant. I was staying at a family members house and there were so many beds. I went into the next room to talk on the phone because my girls were sleeping. It was my boyfriend and I was updating him. I don’t know why he wasn’t with me. I ended up having the baby in my dream. It was painless. I swaddled him and put him to sleep I named him Kyle. I went to the living room kitchen area and there was Arlettie Toby’s ex wife. I’m good friends with her in the awake world. She dug in the freezer and took out thick long sausages and asked if I wanted some. I said yes and started cutting them with a weird arm length size knife made of caribou antler. She had got a call that I can overhear on the phone it was some girl “I’m here at Toby’s house drinking” is all I can hear, and I’m mad. I go back to the room where my kids are and I take my newborn and bring him to the kitchen living room area. A lot of elders are sitting around I hand my newborn to one of them and ask the other what do if I haven’t delivered the placenta yet. Then it was time to go to the grave and everyone was leaving and someone still had my baby I was running around looking. All of my kids were scattered. Then I spotted my newborn and I woke up.
Dream date:
5 Aug 2024
Emotional tone:
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