Dream interpretation about Car Crash, Jail, Lion, Military, Police, Money, Airplane, Water
I was in a nasa airplane and something went wrong and the airplane crashed into a diesel truck factory and the trucks went crashing into the water and hit houses nearby. It was me and a few other men, we were able to climb out of the water onto a bank and a fence. After assessing if we were okay a few men jumped back in the water trying to play but some the river swallowed up. We ended up jumping the fence and trying to seek help from our NASA team. We got separated somehow but I kept walking seeking help. Then the police and military came but they obtained me rather than helping me. The held me against my will. With no lawyer or representative from NASA. Went they finally took me to my jail I saw my teammates. They held them captive as well. They did evil things to us gassing us, watering us down, sending bees in our cell but we turned the bees on them. Also we noticed the door was never locked because we opened it but we never tried to exscape. Then they had us counting tuna of money all the way up to the rough. They would even take us to put the money in the bank. But I got smart an opened an account for myself and was embezzling some of the money too. I kept asking for our lawyer or what they were holding us for I never got an answer. One day as I was stacking the money I seen a lion laying on top of the money. It didn’t bother me but that was it for me. I was ready to go home I had enough! So I got with my teammates and I told them it’s time to stick together so we could get out! They agreed. One NASA official chose to snitch or tell information that delayed our process but then I started demanding tv’s, a better living space. They gave it because we were counting their money! I wanted the tv to see if someone was looking for us and they were. When the time came right I pressed the issue for us to be free. I made idle threats and it must have work because the officer let us free! Then I woke up!
Dream date:
17 Mar 2025
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