15 Mar 2025
I was in a space, maybe a house, with many people whom I've met and knew in my life. The space felt like a combination of my grandparent's (dad's side) house and my neighbor's house whom I was close with as a kid. A lot of childhood friends, coworkers, neighbors, some teachers, friends of my mom, family, babies running around in diapers, etc. I don't remember the exact reason for the meet up but the house was definitely not built for having that many people in it. We were shoulder to shoulder at some times, and the children kept almost tripping people as they were running around. We were all getting breakfast, though there wasn't much to make for all these people. In the dream, I saw myself as a teenager, and sometimes in real life I forget I'm not one anymore. The younger people, like me, thought of clever ways around the food shortage. The adults thought I was strange having cold McDonald's fries in a bowl with milk, but I liked it somehow. I laughed at the disgusted reactions of the adults as I ate my fries in milk. I was walking up and down the stairs chatting with everyone, and seeing who all was here. It was a fun atmosphere for once. I was laughing and smiling and having fun with the kids. There was no stress and I felt free and happy for once. I saw my dad, who wasn't really in my childhood, but now that I'm grown up, has finally been able to reconnect with me and is now trying to actually be a dad. He found boxes of things I've forgotten about, such as kid craft supplies and toys, clothes I used to wear and play plastic jewelry. We then started going through everything, being all reminiscent between each other in each item. I was never close with my dad until now, and I cherish every moment I have with him. I'm proud that he decided to turn his life around and be a better person. I was so happy in this moment. Then I found my mom, who was setting up a table outside in the street boulevard. There were boxes of many things I remember from my childhood, like rubber rain boots, childproof scissors, etc. Things I was fond of. My mom kept displacing these things, and when it was about to rain, left everything outside and said it would be fine. The next morning I go out to check and everything was kind-of fine but some of the boxes were moved and knocked over. There were valuable items, like large dolls and crafts, just laying around. I was upset she wasn't taking better care or caution with these things, but thought deeper thinking she might know what she's doing. Then I realized the garbage cans were sitting inside the fenced in area, and weren't picked up by the garbage truck because of that. I then bursted out to her that the garbage bins weren't picked up because she put them behind the fence instead of on the boulevard. I then realized that she's probably trying her best, but I feel like she should know that by now. When she turned around to face me, it looked like she was going to cry, but didn't. It was a weird look that I've only seen on my grandfather's face when he had his stroke. I asked if she was ok, and she said she was fine, but alarm bells were ringing in my head that she was not ok. I couldn't tell if she was not ok as in not mentally there or just sad/mad. I was panicking thinking she was having a stroke, as she just stared at me with a blankish expression, stating she was fine. It was the same panic as when I found my grandpa having his stroke. Debating whether or not to call 911, I woke up.
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