Dream interpretation about Friend, School, Relationship, Airport, Gym, Music, Basement, Backpack, Celebration, Photo shoot
Can you help me understand my dream? Dream “My city left and came back with great distain” I was looking through Maia‘s things (my sister) because I had forgotten the papers that I needed to get my plane ticket and I misplaced my check bag. I had just found my carry-on where I left in the workshop room after I said goodbye to everyone I forgot my stuff. Luckily my phone was in there. It was my pink over the shoulder back like the very small purse that I have IRL. I was hanging out with Caroline Mroz (very old friend from 6th grade) and she fell asleep on me and I didn’t wanna move and wake her up but I kept doing that and then finally I left - the room - a big stadium where we were watching a show -and she wasn’t feeling well. Caroline represents someone who is very fickle to me, someone constantly dissatisfied. I had to catch a plane at 8 o’clock in the morning And I kept being like ‘whew’ what a way to start your day In Real life I thought that it was Monday, woke up a bit because the doorbell rang irl, but it’s Sunday (irl) I was running really late because I misplaced my luggage and I had to retrace my steps. I taken a cab there and it was a school. so back from Maia‘s room and my mom‘s house to the workshop room through like a lot of hallways down into the basement. Well first I had to go through the gym and all the big rooms. Oh A girl was playing the piano and it was like sounded like rain or something- a lot of like little notes, and the teacher was like ‘this music in the background is supposed to be able to place you.’ He asked ‘you’re gonna do that?’ and she was like yes she was like this is the piece - she was determined and The teacher said her playing was like a tarantula 😂and like he was implying that she was just dumb- like naturally gifted and didn’t really practice so her technique was really sloppy. (This was kind of me irl in my early 20s playing flute at uni.) But he made her change. He said he said no u cannot do that. It was the wrong background music choice for the group. She was playing the music for the dancers and they were having weird like AI hands and feet that weren’t right. They were just missing fingers and toes and stuff was weird. So they were practicing and they were standing in line to practice moves There was several of them doing like practicing a move at the same time and there were different groups doing different moves and using different equipment and I was like running kind of slow motion -kind of- I was trying not to get in the way, but I was so late, trying to re-trace my steps And then I had to get to the basement where I was dropped off before from the camp and I got into the basement room I Remember when I got dropped off with the cab or before that one friend gave me these papers that would get me my plane ticket like they had paid for it for me and Once I got out of the cab or like once I left them, I realized that I didn’t have my bags so Iwent back into the work room The workshop thing we were doing or learning There was a point when I went until like the transportation room -an area in the basement where they had a lot of, I don’t know industrial things. like there’s a big door with like big plastic things, and I had to move to get in And I thought I left my papers there because my suitcase wasn’t there. I like put the papers down looking for my suitcase and it wasn’t there. I looked at a picture, a photograph and it was all these people I knew posing in a group For me. I think it was a celebration for me but I couldn’t attend so I wasn’t there. There was 2 big guys who looked like Stefan (my boyfriend irl), one I had dated before I met Stefan. I was feeling like a little like I missed them. They hadn’t lost weight like Stefan had. I wondered if they liked their bodies more than Stefan- he hates his irl.
Dream date:
22 Sep 2024
The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.
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