Dream interpretation about Died, Giving Birth, Friends, Pet, Rats, Crying, Kittens, Life, Puppy, Cat, Stage, Point, Looking, Garden, Going, 20, My House, outside
It was a Friday and me and my friends were planning on going to Nando's but I had a pet cat which I don't in real life and it gave birth to so many kittens like a lot like over 20 and I was in a rush to get ready and when I went back downstairs to check on the cats they were all gone and I wasn't in my house um I was in a huge house and The garden was really big, so I went out to check if the cats were there, and the cats had, and I saw all of them, and the cats had grown a lot, and they were at their cutest stage, so still a kitten, and I couldn't hold all of them to take them inside. So I went and got a washing basket, a green one, and I went outside and started picking all of them up. They were in like a big hole as well, but they were dotted everywhere, and there were so many, and I also found a puppy and a mouse, and I put them in the basket, and I was still in a rush, and it was midnight, so I didn't make it to Nando's, so I was really upset, and I looked in the basket, and one of them was squished, and it died, and I was really traumatised and cried for hours.
Dream date:
21 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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