Dream interpretation about Yelling, Sad, Car, Twins, Apartment, House, Light (Not Dark), Name, Sleep, Door, Seat, Sun, Bed, Looking, Part, Squares, Walking, Wall, Window, Against, Ask
I was in a car with tai and tionne, nala, dionne, takiya?, maybe gaga and there was apartment building surrounding us and I yelled we been blessed and almost all of us were excited, there was a large area to do barbecue with many tables and seats, it was under does things that block out sun, many cars parked everywhere and the apartment all had balconies with modern doors all of the apartment looked modern on the outside Me, tai, and tionne and nayla were upstairs in the apartment and I went in one room with nayla, there was a weird shelf that didn't have a bottom part and the ceiling above looked unfinished on that part but the rest of the ceiling in the room was fine, the room was about the size of the room I have now or a little smaller and there was a nice sized window above the twin bed that had a view of other apartments and parked cars, I went to the room tai and tionne were in which was way bigger and it had two beds in it, one was up against a wall when you walk in the room and the other was by a big window which filled the room with natural light, the room wasn't a simple square it had other parts to it, we all got excited again and I had asked how much the apartment cost and they said 14 hundred something then I asked what was the name if the apartments but then I woke up. I woke up sad
Dream date:
21 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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