6 Apr 2024
I think, at first I was trying to appease or follow control of my mother or both parents. Don't remember what was before that. Then I was at a school and had tests, and biology lesson, teachers didn't like me and there were my classmates and colleagues as classmates. And then on break we were supposed to do so something, but i sat on bench and Rinkveich talked to me and wanted to hold my hand. And asked about what i think about politics. And then my friend got mad about me that i didn't arrive and ditched me even when i was running after them. And then i wondered around city and kicked rocks around that were breaking everything, damaging the buildings, including an ancient ruins, that i vandalized. Then i saw a couple in a house with a lot of windows and went in . I don't remember if they were doing anything sexual at first, but the girl (young woman), but i started to flirt a bit with the girl and she wanted to shower and i joined her. Then we started to kiss and caress each other. But i had to take out something from my mouth first 2 times and wash hands afterwards. And then we saw that all windows were open (we were on the first floor) and many people are watching us, and the girl's boyfriend explained that one of the guys in the crowd is their neighbor. That guy also filmed with his phone. When we closed all the curtains, i caressed girl's back and picked a bit on a pimple. I asked if it was painful. She didn't want me to do it and i lied, saying that i didn't do it. Then I and girl's boyfriend talked about music and a festival he was at last summer, and it was some sort of fantasy medieval music. I remembered in the dream, that i was there but i don't think it's true. Then we talked about one dj (who had also a YouTube channel), who was very fun and a music band i actually had seen and sang a bit of the most popular dwarfrock song. During this conversation i had a feeling that the guy doesn't believe me, just like it was when it happened recently in real life. Then i woke up.