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11 May 2024



I was dreaming i was with my friend group to go out and eat, My Mom took care of my dog and i was inside an asian supermarket called lilly where there was a restaurant inside ad well. Then i woke up and had another dream, i was with my Mom in the city and then we took an uber to go somewhere and the uber was dirty on the backseat of the driver, there were shoes on the seat and a camera still in the plastic packaging, and a big brown stain on the seat, so i decided to just sit on the plastic packaging, the uber driver ordered subway cookies and i wanted to order some as well.




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11 May 2024



I was a young girl in elementary school and I stood in front of my elementary school crush. There was standardized testing going on. I didn't know that there was testing. The dream cuts. I'm walking across the field from my elementary school to the middle school. As we walk across the field, we veer off into the woods. I'm with, at the time, which is my middle school teacher. I'm with her and a few of my peers. We walk through the woods and I lose them. And all of a sudden, there's a playground and there's a little boy with black hair that slides down the playground. A little Asian boy, I believe, with black straight hair. And he slides down the slide and I don't see him anymore. And then I walk and I end up in this neighborhood full of houses that look like the houses from Cat in the Hat. Very bright and whimsical. I enter one of the houses. As I enter one of the houses, it looks like a film set, but it looks like someone actually lives there. And as if someone was baking something. As I walk past the toaster oven, I open it and it cuts to a chocolate cupcake with green, bluish frosting. And it has God in capital letters and red food coloring. And then I woke up.

11 May 2024



I dreamt I was happy and in a lovely environment, I was a teenager again and with friends, there was a lot of innocence and joy. I was at a friend's house, and my two of my friends' fathers were there, everyone was getting ready to go somewhere and the fathers were putting on bright, unfashionable shirts, and dancing with with daughters, having so much fun. We were all laughing when I felt a small painless pop in my back, and it took my voice away. This made me laugh even harder and I was asking my my own daughters, (who were there even though I was a teenager) to thump me on the back to see if they could pop my voice back in. It didn't work and everyone was laughing even harder at how weird that was. I wasn't worried, I knew my voice would come back, and the sound of my breathy laughter was just hilarious. I woke myself up laughing.

11 May 2024



I can't remember all of the dream that I had, but parts of it were nightmarish, while others were okay. The part that I do remember was that a friend, who isn't real in life, and I were walking around a large office building trying to find something. We had to be careful because there were some people that were after us before we got in. Not too sure if we weren't supposed to be there or not. We go up a few floors looking around, there's a bunch of files haphazardly crammed together in their shelves at practically every work section. We get to a corridor with glass panneled walls like many places have, but the bottom was metal. Like a stainless steel that went up the walls. The corridor was small, but turned just a little. I assume it was just to accommodate the floor plan. We stopped near the entrance to the other side of the office to regroup and talk about where we should look for this item especially if we were to avoid whoever was after us before. For the moment, we were safe. A man hurriedly came up to us carrying a pig and asked if we could watch him for a few minutes while he goes to take care of something. We say "yeah, sure. We'll take care of him." He says thank you and quickly runs off. The pig is pretty clean looking and fairly small. He doesn't really do anything but lay there relaxed and at ease. In the corridor there was a large amount of clothes and other odds and ends that were just laying around behind us. Not trash, just random junk and laundry that I assume was mostly clean. Suddenly the pig seemed to move a bit and about 2-1/2 ft worth of his lower intestine started to steadily come out from his rear as if it had somehow prolasped. We start panicking because that's not normal and shouldn't happen. At this point the pig starts to poop and we start panicking more trying to push all of the stuff behind us back further since we don't know how much this pig is going to go. It turned out to be not very much and the pig's intestine goes back up inside of him. Suddenly a very small puppy with dark brown fur similar to a retriever comes in wearing a blue collar. The puppy immediately goes and starts to eat this pig's poop. I quickly grab this puppy up to stop him and yell "Hey! No. You can't eat be eating poop!" in order to discipline him. The small puppy now has small traces of poop on his mouth, paws, and ears. He looks at me with the biggest saddest eyes I have ever seen and I feel awful for yelling at this puppy. I feel like I have hurt him so deeply by yelling at him and I feel absolutely heartbroken looking at him. The man who dropped the pig off then takes the puppy out of my hands and takes the pig back. We told him the pig went on the floor and he sad sorry and thanked us for taking care of him while he was gone. He once again rushed off. I don't remember what happened after that.

11 May 2024



I had a new experience dream which it'd was all I can remember was that I just realized I had two sisters that were my biological that I never know was infants and maybe 3 years old, somehow I got it from the people that let me keep them for a while and everything was going good until I have my good friend addison babysit them she did help me a few times like the first time she help me bath them, it was adorable, they absolutely loved it, no temper tanter or anything, then one day I finally give her a trust the baby sent them while I was gone to visit a friend then I heard she wasn't watching them so I fired her, me and her wasn't friends no more since we have that fight over that she should have been more responsibility then, one day I took my two sisters to my grandmother's and my grandmother was asleep and I was watching my sisters and play with them and holding them and they fall asleep afterwards then I heard the knock on the door and there was my mom and the social workers and the policemen and they said they was going to take away my two sisters and split them up I told them I said, I said please don't they're my sisters they don't need to be split up and I was crying then it went blank and that's all I remember

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