11 May 2024
Is it manny? Or Von? showed up to town, causing problems, was very draining to me and everyone around. It felt dark. It looks like Von but I’m registering the thought or idea of him as manny. Von is my current boyfriend in real life, and manny was my most recent ex. And he won’t leave my side very often, trying to win me back. Etc etc. and there was this other guy I considered my ex before manny. At least that’s what I said in my dream. And he’s there too, and it seems like he’s trying to protect me, or interested in me, can’t read his behavior very well but anyways he’s a lot kinder and gentle. I’m not trying to be with anyone but they’re both always around. Manny? Von ? Tries to kiss me and I deny him, he tries again and I move my head away. He starts to choke me, I’m at work when this is happening. I hit his arms to get him to let go. As I’m catching my breathe, and I hear my coworker/friend trying to get someone to help and saying “this psycho just came here and attacked her” trying to get him kicked out or something then I woke up