14 May 2024
I was on a cosmic journey with a few companions: two three middle aged men, three more characters I like from my favorite game, and two others 8 don’t quite remember the identity of
We start from Earth, climbing up ranking ladders by unlocking different things and earning the privelege to travel across the universe as cosmic beings
I start of with a staff as an equipment, and it gradually upgrades itself into legendary items from some Chinese taoist myths(many of the titles for the ‘ranks’ and the overall cosmology and such of this world setting is very Xianxia-esque)
Once we get from the ground to the mydtical peach forests to the lofty mountains to the cosmic stages, we follow a tree line of routes
It allows us to obtain different energetic quirks and abilities that ultimately leads us to become more of a metaphysical entity than a mere human in flesh(sort of like ascension in Taoist sect beliefs)
By the end of the road I’m given a few options(seven) on what things, concepts or ideas I want to master
And this time, I choose the ‘lost in timem route, going back to my journey’s iteneraries with all the knowledge I possess to reexperience everything again
I go back to the part where I was climbing mountains with the middle aged man while everyone else was sort of tapping out mid-hiking route