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13 May 2024
I was in a house with some other people and we were all having to hide and run from people who were monsters and would hurt and eat us. I was sitting in a locker trying to be very quiet and a group of being trying to do the same passed by, when one of the monster people entered the locker room we were in and myself and the group split directions and started running. The monster person followed me and degraded me, I eventually escaped by jumping out one of the houses windows and running outside the houses front yard. Eventually I ran back inside the front yard to get my mom, and the dream changed to my mother and I having been in a house fire that we survived. My mom then found out that she would die from an illness and wanted to kill herself tonight before going through any illness. Her my dad and I sat in the kitchen discussing dropping me off to college at the end of the summer but I was imagining her in her coffin and I started bawling and wailing because I knew she would kill herself tonight and I wasn’t ready for her to be gone.
For some reason I was in my ex wife’s house with a female, a friend, and his girlfriend. We were all there sleeping when my ex wife came home for the evening and thought we were intruders and got out a pistol to defend herself. I was in a panic trying to get out of the house and was in complete panic mode. It was complete darkness and I couldn’t find my way around the house. The cops came and handcuffed me and my friend but somehow my handcuffs fell off but I kept going in circles trying to find my way out. I was attempting to surrender to the cops but they wouldn’t take me to jail. Instead, they wrote me a citation to appear for court and left. My ex wife asked me if I wanted to reconcile our marriage and I said yes, in hopes of getting out of there. Even though the cops had already left, I was still frantically trying to escape the house. It was as if I kept getting lost trying to find my way out.
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I was in the city and walking around apartments when two skeptical men who were sex traffickers walked around the apartment and surveying for other individuals to interfere with their business. I was spotted by them. Soon after, they met up with their prostitute that they had an appointment with. One of the men took a photo of me and asked the prostitute if she knew me. He did this to make sure that I wouldn’t intervene or mess up their appointment or bring justice. The prostitute said she had never seen me before. The environment was a really rundown and poor environment. The prostitute was a very young Hispanic woman, maybe in her late teens probably 17 years old. After the men discovered that I wasn’t a resident one of the men got in their truck to pursue me and brought a shotgun. I was riding a bicycle at the time down the street trying to avoid conflict. The truck drove crazily towards me. The man in the truck pulled up beside me with his window down and a shotgun point at me while it hung outside the truck. He said, “I have some questions for you.” But I knew his full intention. He was going to kill me no matter what. Somehow, I shotgun randomly appeared in my hands and then started to shoot at him. He held his gun fire and kept saying, “I just have some questions for you.” But I still knew his intention, he was waiting for me to get close then he was going to shoot me. Then I kept shooting at him and trying to escape. I hit him several times but he wouldn’t die and he became unscathed from the shotgun blasts. He shot at me but I managed to dodge his bullets. He wrecked his truck and had to get out. I kept shooting at him and I made contact and hit him but he kept pursuing me while getting hit by my bullets. He stopped his truck and got out then I kept shooting at him but he wouldn’t die or get harmed. He ran up to me and got a knife and managed to cut my cheek and was still unharmed by my shotgun bullets. Then I tried to run away and then I woke up as I was running away. The man never died and in the dream I felt like I was being pursued relentlessly.
Cakes chocolate and strawberry also a crocodile dying on a sofa
I dreamt I saw my best friend visiting our old dance competition team but I wasn’t there. On a rock on a beach they were training. I miss dance
I dreamed my husband’s brother showed me something about my husband being witb another man. When I confronted my husband he seemed to barely deny it. I felt numb , disappointed and betrayed in my dream. I woke up wanting know if this dream was a warning or more so my anxiety of being cheated on again by yet another partner.
An employee from the house wanted to leave the house with it’s inhabitants. A guy I had sex with and try to engage conversation with sent me a long text message a bit sexist to which I answered an even longer feminist one. I did acrobatic figures in my school in a mint skirt.
I dreamed I was with a friend, she had a brother who was strange. He came into the room and started questioning us. He asked us if we knew who the man was that was in a play we just went to see live. We both tried to guess the name of the actor, who was apparently bald. No matter how many guesses we made we were never right, and he would not tell us the right answer nor allow us to stop guessing
Shoes and four leaf clover
I was dreaming that my bed was inside my workplace and that my kitchen was my workspace
Dreamt I was at work. I was working on someone’s accounting. There was a mystery about ownership I was trying to solve. I also found out I was newly pregnant. I was planning to take a trip so I needed certain medical tests done. I worked with a doctor coworker to get them ordered for me. A gentleman came to the job needing some documents for an audit. People were struggling to help him so I took over. It was this time I assumed head of the business. I got him what he needed while my coworker who was head of the business, sat beside me. My coworker is related to my unborn child’s father. I became excited and wanted to tell her about the baby. After the gentleman leaves, I follow my coworker into the locker room. I wanted to tell her then but someone else was inside. I also felt weird about telling her just in case the pregnancy didn’t last and I didn’t really feel pregnant.
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