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9 Jun 2024
I dreamed about having 200 robux and then waking up in a dream while being in a dream then going back to sleep to dream inside a dream
Boyfriend kiss me for the first time in over 5 years
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i was at my exes house and he came and laid on my chest it felt so good and relieving we were holding each other for a long time and i kept trying to open my eyes to make sure it wasn’t a dream
I was about to go to sleep and i was in an old room at my grandparents house. There was someone behind me also in the bed who i cant remember. The closet door was close to the bed and after closing the door that was inside the closet, it opened back up. I went to close it again and it opened again. I then spoke out loud assuming it was a spirit and asked it to close the door and turn off the light and the spirit listened. My dreamed then transformed to me on the plane and the pilot announced that because of a specific person the plane was going to crash into a baseball stadium. The plane ended up crashing and i ended up in third person and watched the plane crash into the stadium.
My mother got sick and passed away. I was left to handle all of her belongings like her home, chickens, goats and a horse (she only has chickens now) my grandparents that have passed away were there to help me sort everything out and I kept feeling like I should tell my father that she had passed away but I kept pushing it off
okay I had a dream that I was on a port ship and I was looking ahead in the corner of my eye to my right I saw Lucutus so when I seen Lucutus he was he seemed like he was at war with himself like some kind of internal struggle I don't know how to explain it but it was just you just kind of feel that vibe for some reason anyhow I went back into some kind of pod where we regenerate and I for some reason let out this cry that sounded like a kitty cat and then howling like I was a puppy dog I don't know why but then afterwards I thought I woke up and I saw that there was a war zone and some guy came over towards my left shoulder and he seemed like he was a leader of some kind of resistance. Come on let's go let's go we ain't got time wake up let's go let's go grab your gun grab your stuff let's go so I went with him and he told me and our group to stay and for some reason I looked over the bunch of rocks with the pigs like very far back like I think about a half a mile back but anyhow I saw like some kind of machine that just had like these tentacles and they hooked on to them and I never heard a man screaming so much pain and agony everybody just flinched I wanted to run but people were just there's like a bunch of hands laying down it was just weird then I woke up again and I was on the Enterprise I was staring myself in the mirror and it was like I saw myself and there was some kind of thing that looked like a zit and it grew into my stomach and it was I was just almost about to explode into two then I woke up I was on this table and I was about to run look like some kind of cave I was trying to run and run but this guy he looked like you was really huge bald head piercing blue eyes came up with flying to me and and he had like dark skin for like a Hispanic but he had some black features as well but anyhow I woke up and he told me I was I was having those reoccurring nightmares again he said don't worry I'm I'm not here to hurt you or anything so I woke up from this table that's like I guess it was supposed to be a bed so I went with him and for some reason my gut instinct was telling me he's armless so I did follow him and I sat on some kind of concrete like couch it was nothing fancy but I guess the Easter Island so we just sit there we shut the breeze
In my last dream i was in a room in someone else’s house. My wife was in that room too. There were other naked girls there. We were all laying on this big bed. My wife wanted me to have sex with these other gorls. The girls were very beautiful and they were all different races and different body types. I remember being attracted to them. My wife said in the dream she was having trouble with her libido and getting her vagina wet. She still wants me to enjoy my life so she found some girls to have sex with me. She just wants to watch so she knows that I’m happy. She only wants me to have sex with them but nothing else so our relationship is still safe. I felt horny in my dream with all these sexy naked beautiful women in the bed with us so i started caressing each of them and I had sex with them while my wife watched. I remember it feel good. These girls were feeling up on me and it felt great. I kept looking at my wife to make sure she’s okay. She was watching amd she didn’t look like she was mad. She had a smile in her face. My wife had to girls feeling in her and she really enjoyed it. I wanted to have sex with my wife but she said she couldn’t.
I had a dream where I was going into my deceased grandmothers basement and the light wouldn't come on. I cracked the door open and started to step in and I felt something grab me and then I seen my mother's ghost coming from the top of the stairs. She grabbed my arm and then I seen a demon and he started pulling me the other way they both fought hard to pull me towards them but eventually the demon pulled me in and my mother screamed and slowly faded away as the demon took me down
So me and my girlfriend had a fluffy kid and we had to save the kid at some point and we also had a Cerberus dog and it was so cute and there were witches and demons and skeletons chasing after us and at some point the skeletons got all up in my face and there was this huge staircase that was super high and I went up it cuz I was being chased then all of a sudden I saw my girlfriend holding a chocolate bar so I jumped down and got the chocolate bar and we flew in our flying shopping cart.
I had a dream I was in an aeroplane and it was just after take off. The aeroplane was climbing into the sky at a steep angle, it then stopped going up, stopped and started to fall. I then woke up before it hit the floor
Seeing the word “skyzz”
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