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15 Jun 2024



I was asking a room full of Asians what they like in men and I was told by them they want money and to scam people and take their clothes jewelry diamond ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’ and cars ๐Ÿš— houses ๐Ÿก etc and they wickedly laugh at me. They asked what I like in women and I said I like playing the simp method and defelctive tactic. They said what do you mean? I said itโ€™s a gregarious attempt to justify oneโ€™s specific romance life to show they donโ€™t have what women have and men have it harder, but what women do crave is love ๐Ÿ’™ and when men say too bad itโ€™s too late youโ€™ve been played Iโ€™m not going out with you on a date ๐Ÿ“… and get my heart break ๐Ÿ’”. You ladies had your chance haha disaster averted and evaded the enemy which was being played and manipulated.

15 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I was in a space station with some other survivors and our mission was to venture out onto the planet we were on to kill a bunch of creatures that wanted to kill us. After a day of hunting, I found metal bow and arrows on the ground next to the space station entrance. Then we all went inside and shut the door behind us so no monsters would come in. We were constantly thinking that a few creatures came on board. Then we grabbed a vehicle down below in the space station and we were surrounded by zombies chasing after us, as I shot them all. Then we went on top of the space station and we were surrounded by space zombies, so I grabbed a huge machine gun and shot all of them but they kept coming. Me and another survive went down into the space station where there was a super store where we could grab and buy food. I grabbed a few peaches and woke up

15 Jun 2024



My dream last night was starting out in darkness period. I was in a house, and it appeared to be my own house, and I was in my bedroom, which I think it was my bedroom, and there was just dirty clothes everywhere, and like dirt piles. It was just in disarray, period. And then it switched over to this boy who got hit by a truck, and then the next thing, he was okay, and he found his toys that he was missing in the bedroom of the house that I was in, period. And then the next part was, I was driving in a truck with my dad, and there were other people in the vehicle, I don't know who they were, and we were all laughing, and one of the men pulled his pants down and was moaning dad while he was driving, and I remember laughing and looking back through the windshield, and there was another vehicle in back of us with a bunch of men, and they were all laughing, and I remember we were driving by a house, and it was like set up, but again, there were men on the porch, and they were all laughing, and it was actually during the day, as I remember. I remember it being white out, period. I also remember about the little boy that was hit by the truck. I remember this woman, who I believe to be his mother, was happy that he was okay, and that he found his toys in my bedroom, period.

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