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28 Apr 2024



I can’t remember much but I remember talking to my mom about something and I know that the dream made me super confused while sleeping




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

28 Apr 2024

My crush


I had a dream last night where me and my crush were catching up on some things in real life when we were friends in college. We meet each other as when he was my customer one time and they we were encountering each other's at the bus stop in Central where we talked for hours and reconnecting and then eventually become best friends. Then at the end of the semester we grew like apart and didn't talk to each others. I later on was able to go to his job and see him and I asked for his phone number in which we talked but then pretty much after I confessed to him which he responded back with saying that he once had feelings for me too but he's not ready for no relationship because he had to work on himself. After that little confession we kind of stopped talking to each other too. Then I had a dream last night well multiple dreams and all of those dreams were about him and it was just me and him reconnecting about things that we haven't talked in three months that we haven't had no communication.

28 Apr 2024



I’m riding in a short white bus. We make various stops, sometimes it’s to solve a mystery, other times it’s not. Only a few people are allowed off the bus at any given time. At one point I am admiring the night sky. Looking up at all the stars and enjoying the evening. I’m laying The next our bus stops and three people have to solve a crime scene. No one is obligated to get off the bus if they are uncomfortable, or don’t like the situation. The final stop is at a retreat? We stop in the parking lot. However, no one wants to get off the bus because something seems off. There are six white square-shaped condos. Three on either side of the road, and a slightly larger clubhouse at the end of the road. One condo stands out most because of its pinkish-red and black windows and framing. A friend and I decide to get off the bus together, and the bus drives a little further down and parks at the main clubhouse area. The two of us start walking the street, and a suspicious white car is behind us. It parks in front of the black condo and a man gets out of the car and goes inside. We make it to the clubhouse and there are black and pinkish-red decorations inside. Two women are getting married, one of them is heavily pregnant. The pregnant bride is upset because all six condos were rented by them, for themselves and their guests. The bride is furious because she sees the strange man walk into the condo with black windows period and that condo is reserved for the two brides for their honeymoon. She demands that the man leaves. One of the receptionists explains that checkout isn't until about four o'clock and it's only noon. But because both of the brides are very angry so they remove the man from his condo. I see how distraught the man is… but there’s nothing I can do… Inside the clubhouse the brides and 4 guests are preparing to play the LIFE board game. I pick my car, and everyone takes turns. We all have ropes that are intertwined white mixed with it’s corresponding pastel car color. There are eight ropes and cars total each car is either pale red, pink, blue, green, purple, yellow, pale teal and orange. I pick a blue car. A one by one each person pulls a card and their ropes. My turn comes and I notice the pale teal car is still available, and I switch because I like that color more. The person after me switches from pink to blue as well. I grab my set of 6 ropes and the pregnant bride reminds me to pull a card first, because that’s how many ropes we get for the game. My the back of my card has the number two in its lower corner, each card is randomized up to number 4. I flip my card over and it say I get 3 ropes. Which is considered lucky! It means I can choose three paths. I get to pick three cards for my careers, and all of them make a good bit of money. One of the guests are jealous because she got one string and her career paths weren’t so lucky…

28 Apr 2024

Car accident


Had a dream that started out as a commercial for all red crunch berries. Don’t remember a lot else of the dream, but I do remember my wife coming home and us fighting because I just kept messing everything up and kept messing chores up and stressing her out. It’s something that’s been happening in real life and I’ve been over it in therapy. I did something in my dream next that I was told in therapy to do, to admit that I only did some of the things because I cared for her because she’s very germophobic and it’s not something that particularly matters to me personally. And she said “oh yeah I can tell” sarcastically. We had some other attempting to repair but I remember her just being sarcastic the whole time and I felt I was getting nowhere. She then told me she had a third accident in my new car (she had another one sometime and we had a real one in my real wife that was rough). And I got upset because it was a brand new car and felt like every time it’s had an accident it’s been her that’s been driving even though she’s older and is supposed to have more experience. Dream me didn’t ask about her wellbeing though. We argued more around and around. Eventually the scene changed and we were on this broken building above a stormy sea, and the last thing I remember before waking up was her saying she wanted to go to the highest point, and in my mind I felt like she was about to kill herself and became worried.

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