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25 Jun 2024

Haunted house


A group of people of navigating how to get out of a haunted house except one of them gets possessed and ends up killing the others. One by one, each person starts to be picked off by a familiar voice except the familiar voice is of someone that got possessed. One person is murdered by being flung up threw the air and coming back down (this person was on the back of another that was crawling through a space). The person crawling is killed too. A kid that remembers one of the others is killed two after a ghost possesses the person the kid is familiar with

25 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I had to move out of my apartment and into my sisters, my boyfriend who im dating in real life was in my dream and he got sick of me because one thing lead to another which I can’t remember but it felt like he thought I was having him do too much. I was heart broken over this until a day later I seen he had a picture of him and another girl on his profile picture and then something in me clicked, that I had been broken over someone who seemed like they wasn’t even mourning a relationship and had shady intentions all along. I remember her name being something similar to latil. After I seen that I began going out and meeting new potential partners and enjoying myself because it felt like nothing was holding me down and I could put my humor and beauty to the test, then he shows up again and this time I ignore him and his guilt tripping which does happen a lot in real life (the guilt tripping not cheating)




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25 Jun 2024



I was in the school and again I met my ex friend idk why she was wearing abaya . And then we were called in principal office. We split and I went with my classmates after sometime we were let to go through some way a woman took the old nun principal through the circular staircase underground. Suddenly one of the shoes of the nun slipped it was black women shoe so I just randomly took it and funnly thought about throwing it at staircase down but one my junior started staring at me . I went through the staircase and it was a home underground I met one of dead family member and I greeted him and I also saw her wife . I went outside but the house seems familiar even from outside. Anyways I was in. A room outside sitting with my Lil cousin brother their was a man infront of us who was not looking good . He attacked my brother rather than me being a girl . The man hold my cousin brother by throat and broked his collar bone . I ran away for help

25 Jun 2024



So in my dream I was an elf and I was with a group of people I know I knew but idk from where and there were also other elves and we were all some kind of magic detectives or something. My powers were basically telepathy but with my fingers. If I put two fingers up, they would glow and I could move things with them. There was also one scene where a door opened and all of us did a pose with our fingers and we all looked really cool! I remember that we also had our rooms and on the doors/walls there were painted some pictures that marked our rooms. They were marked by our pictures on out Netflix account. My best friend, Karina, was supposed to live next door as her matching-with-me Netflix pfp was there, but I never saw her in the dream. Some girls in the group including me were in the room of the only girl that wasn't an elf and we were trying to discover what she was. I gave her a small yellow transparent lego piece and she could move it with her eyes, just like in "Matilda", the movie. We called our proffesor and showed him, he said she needed practice so she can move bigger things, but that it was okay. I felt really proud of that girl and also of me for discovering her power.

25 Jun 2024



Dream two. Sharing a room at Disney hotel with Daunte. We had two beds in the room and I was videotaping the hotel across from ours. It was Sager. He was upset apparently I had offered to buy his wife off him for $1, $5 and $2,500 I said I could have her at whatever cost bc she wants me. Daunte moved the camera and I couldn’t see his reply to what he wanted to do about his wife. I then got upset bc his hotel was luxurious and I said to Daunte (a coworker from a while ago who wound up working where I currently work until his firing last year) . “Why do the evil people get so much and they don’t honor God? Why do they reap so much from this world when they don’t own it!” Now we are in the lobby of our hotel and Somehow Sager (a narcissist who used me ae a friend and hindered my growth for years) found us and chased us. Daunte was holding on to me as we ran to the elevator to go back to our room. We ran into elevators 5 for that section of floors. However we were to be in section 3 bc that was our room. We got into 5 and the doors closed immediately and we went up a floor immediately. Got off and into 3 the phone by the elevator rang. A girl answered and was going to take note of where we went. I approached her let her finish the call. I said “You cannot tell him where we are going. I am not a bad man. But he wishes to do evil do not tell him where you saw me.” And I went and got on the elevator. Then woke up

25 Jun 2024



I had just returned to Italy after spending first three months in Greece and then six months in Spain (so after almost a year). The first thing I noticed was that my cat was gone. She was not at home. I asked my mother and sister where she had gone, and they told me she had run away. Of course I got scared and angry. "What do you mean she ran away?" I asked. They told me that my sister had gotten angry with the cat for some reason, had beaten her up, and even pulled off two of her fingers. I became furious, went outside with the bag of kibble and started shouting her name making noise with the kibble to try to get her attention, because my cat whenever she hears the noise of the bag of kibble runs toward us. I walked around for a while making noise with the kibble, but I could never find her. There are always other cats around who, hearing the kibble, would come toward me, but mine did not. At one point, I started talking to two people whose identities I cannot remember, however. I started crying because I love my cat very much and I just wanted to find her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. Also, I was very angry with my sister and disappointed in her because I could not believe that she had beaten my cat. I continued the search, however, without success.

25 Jun 2024



I’m watching AND talking/experiencing this dream from the perspectives of two Japanese gyaru-kei YouTubers and a few male idol group members attending a TV show program They’re having a talkshow about what the celebrities and the semi-celebrities like YouTubers go through as daily occurences and such Im seeing the women talk about how they make cute foods and basically aestheticize the aspects of their mundane life and such for the content Once such example being how they make ‘kyara-ben(lunch boxes decorated with foods and tools that uses characters and their motifs associated with the kawaii cultures. They’re characterized by how ‘mini’ and ‘cutesy’ everything is; mini tomatoes, bite-sized egg omlettes or mini sausages cut to look like octopuses…)’ for their videos and how they have to wake up at 4 in the morning for it The male idols find that, in terms of how their private life and such is made into a content/commodity to be sold as ‘contents’, they can relate The YouTubers are then talking about basically the whole sugar daddy-esque nature of the way the industry’s female talents get ahead in their career and achieve media prominence while the male idols talk about the rigid ageist structures of the senpai-kouhai system in their agency involves those female idols as a medium of sexual currency(e.g. one member talks about how it’s almost like a rite of passage when the senpai idols ‘buy’ a female talent/creators’ time and have the koujai(younger) idols do the same and make them practice the whole procedures and such) One of the members laughingly talked about how a younger male idol, under the custom and the recommendation of his senpai(likely to have the younger one prove his manliness or whatever), tried ‘buying’/contacting a newly debuted popular female idol for their time and compnionship but ended up getting ‘tricked’/‘catfished’ into buying a money grab ‘product’ that is basically an underground idol disguising as the popular one (Ew. To the men. The way they worded it like it’s the woman’s fault for tricking them. When what they’re doing to begin with is monstrously underhanded and dehumanizing to the women.) Both are equally nasty in character but I find myself being more on the side of the female YouTubers because it seems like without the filter of their machiavellianism and narcissistic lenses the women are just using what grants them the best advantage(their youth, sexuality, body) because they don’t really have much other choices that gets taken ‘seriously’ enough by the people of authority, prominence and influence in the VIP world while the male idols are basically being complicit in the upholding of the chauvinistic, male-only society/club-like structure of the whole power dynamics in the industry

25 Jun 2024



I was with my parents and they had gotten one of these enormous fridges you find at the supermarket that are low and open at the top, all in glass so you can see the contents. We were all leaving to go somewhere and my father starts to turn the fridge off and I asked him why? Won’t all food go bad and you have to throw it away? He answered it was to save on the electricity. And I said “but the cost for the food wasted would be three times what you would save on electricity!” He started explaining to me how high the cost for the electricity had become and that this was the way to do it. And I answered but you’ve changed the electricity source to a natural one so you don’t even pay for electricity anymore. After a lot of the same banter going back and forth between us he actually agreed and said, you’re right. It was a very confusing dream in many ways. I felt frustrated with him and exasperated. I temper thinking he was a bit stupid but I immediately felt bad about thinking so.

25 Jun 2024

Best Friend


After the passing of my nana I had a dream where she was still alive but very sick she blamed me for her sickness and was trying to kill me but adored my best friend when my mom got their I was hiding in a bathtub locked In the bathroom my mom being mad because my nana needed In there. Being to scared in her home my mom took me to my grandmas house but needed to stop first and get something she dropped me off in what was like a ally way that led to a Chinatownesk community where it was dark and crowded no one spoke a language that doesn’t exist and I kept noticing one man everywhere I went when I was frantically calling my mom to come get me after I find my way out of the alleyway the man bumps into someone and says oh shit we then get to arguing about him lying about not speaking English then he attacks me and I wake up

25 Jun 2024



I only remember fragments of the dream. I remember being on vacation with my two younger children and they were swimming. Somehow I knew I was there with a new love, not my current husband. They were so happy and we were surrounded by lots of people that we knew. It felt relaxing and normal and safe. The kids were swimming on a mattress and a large swarm of insects or mosquitoes arrived and everyone got in the water to help the kids to shore safe and sound. The insects surrounded me and crawled inside my clothes. Strong arms dragged me away and suddenly we were inside, my kids having a shower and people fixing lunch while laughing and talking. I was safe and happy. My new love came in the room and said “I haven’t said hello to you” and started kissing me and I felt happy and safe but a voice in my head said “you’ve felt like this before and it was always a lie”. And then I woke up

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