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1 Jul 2024
me and my mom and brother were walking in the sky and we had to cross over a intersection of stoplights. my mom and brother weee able to do it but i wasn’t so i made a jump for it but jumped to short and fell from the sky landing in peoples arms. the people told me i should wear white and when they told me that i went looking for white clothes but got into a fight at a restaurant with a group of girls but i ended up winning the fight with the girls then this guy and his friend who looked like they were in their 30s came by and one of them i found attractive because the other one was harassing me so the one that i found attractive stepped in and stopped him from harassing me but later i found out that the attractive one was actually 17 instead of 30 because his friend who harassed me told me
I’m my dream I had a more fulfilling dream like in the islands of being near that dark beach 🏖️ and pier and the islands zip lining to the next island 🏝️ and my teachers are proud everyone’s cheering 📣 and happy loving 🥰 I feel like I’m on the verge of something very very large and happy and fulfilling and starting to feel very satisfied with everything and the classroom on the fifth floor and dental office near somewhere and Outback Steakhouse and going down Fowler Avenue I can’t hide it my dreams are the best they’ve been with the ballpit and other restaurants. Esp going down the interstate and many shops that offer foods and delicacies I’m in the verge of something phenomenal in both my waking life. Also airports that have saunas and jacuzzis and many proud places like my old school 🏫 my dreams are mostly now places I’ve been I miss going to places but I’m on the verge of something very very phenomenal and extraordinary in both my waking and sleeping life. Amen 🙏
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I was in a plane with my dad, step mom, and little brother. We were about to take off when I noticed that it was storming outside. I had a bad feeling about being on the plane. As it started to lift off, I jumped out. I landed safely and watched the plane crash into the water. I saw my dad jump out too. He caught the plane by the wing to keep it from sinking. He wasn’t able to hold on. I ran over and held on to the wing as well. I was able to pull the plane out of the water and save everyone
We are Moving out of Karratha. Lived at a house looking like the chalet from reunion where grew up. But the place is owned by Richard and Britney fiends in Karratha. Britney was there and I said I needed time to move things out this morning. She was in conferences and left me to it. The house a swimming pool. While packing I saw forgot a lot of item in the corner of a room looking the room that I had when was child back in reunion living on my parents chalet. Britney had a dog and was scared of it when she was not there. I found some pants and 2 chargers and 2 sthill batteries in the corner with a divorce looking like a converter not sure what it was. I got anxious because I felt I should already be gone. I was sure where Britta was.
I dreamt of a large black and white striped spider climbing up my wall and I jumped out of bed and was trying to scream for my roommate. By the time her name came out, I was actually standing beside my bed with no spider on the wall. Freaked me out.
I was waiting in the line for frozen yogurt and a big bald man cut in line, i told him he cant cut in line like that and he started shouting at me and calling me stupid. So i sewed his mouth shut so he couldnt shout or eat frozen yogurt
I have a very faint, partial memory of this dream.. I was playing the piano, my children were there and I was showing them a song, then it was like it zoomed right in on the keys that I was playing. That's all I can remember.
I was staying at my friends moms apartment in real life. That night before bed they were talking about paranormal stuff and things happening/occurring in there apartment and that they’ve experienced. I remember after they all went to bed, I stayed out on the couch trying to fall asleep. All the light were out ans I kept staring at my friends moms chair. I kept looking at it just staring it down and getting a creepy vibe from it. Until eventually I fell asleep. But it was weird. I know I was alseep but it was like nothing changed. It felt as though I never fell asleep at all and I was still just staring at that chair and whatever the black figure was on top of the chair. Suddenly a black like goblin arm reached out from that spot and grabbed me. Dragging me across the room. I couldn’t see it but it was like something was pulling me and holding me down. I rember screaming for my friend Sam. Until sundenly I couldn’t make any noise at all. I remember trying so hard to scream and get away but I couldn’t do anything. Until in the dream sam flipped on the lights and came out into the living room. Once she did what ever had a hold of me vanished. And I woke up shortly after.
In this dream I was basically living in the movie “A Quiet Place!” I was in an old fashioned apartment building on what appeared to be the top floor. There was a window near the kitchen and living room. It connected to a an old metal stairwell that connected to the side of the building and went all the way down into the ally below/beside us. It wasn’t just me in the apartment but several other young adults and teens in this small apartment. Most didn’t live there but in the apartments below. They would use the stairwell and window to move from one apartment to the other and warn all the others of danger and that the alien creatures were on the move. I remember us all being together at one point practicing being quiet for if the creature ever came. The room was crowed and we were all sitting on the floor trying to be quiet. As someone in the group acted like the creature with her senses blocked off but there hearing. They went around the room trying to find us. Some where hiding in other rooms or in the closet but most where in the living room sitting on the floor trying their best to be absolutely quiet. I remember my old childhood dog Jack was there and came up to me as we were playing causing me to make a sound the person started coming towards me. I went to move to stay out of her reach and avoid her but she continued to hear me and I and my dog needed up getting caught. I remember being disappointed and sad but only told myself that I will have another chance. But then the dream changed. I was with one person in the apartment when something happened and a creature was spotted. He hoped at the window to warn the others and said he would be back. It wasn’t long until I heard screaming and the clicking noises that the creatures often make. I ran and hid behind n the closet of the apartment holding my breath as too not make a sound. I hear sounds coming from inside the apartment my heart was racing as I saw a shadow appearing from the gap underneath the door coming closer to the door and the door handle start to move. I then was started awake and was unable to get back to sleep for a long time. Cause everytime I closed my else I say one of the creatures.
so in the beginning we were hanging out at valet me and this girl but her and i are friends i think? it’s my work acquaintance, antonio and im getting annoyed by him bc he’s being overly goofy and im just not in that mood he has to go to eat and no one is there to cover him so she offers us to cover him and im like well no we don’t know where the rooms are also we weren’t given clearance for the carts idk if you need to be on an insurance to drive the carts we don’t have my work friend and valet supervisor, abel’s permission so i kept saying no until he gave us the ok then i look around to maybe have someone go get abel’s supervisor to cover or sid some guy comes up to us and it’s my crush, silas and im like !!! silas! i grab his hand and pull him to us saying we need his help and im not sure what to do. he said antonio knows better and shouldn’t be trying to leave but that he’ll clock in when he’s scheduled. antonio takes her and the old lady on the cart and silas pointed out i was laying my head on his shoulder and i went to separate but didnt notice our hands were intertwined. i created space between us then i opened my arms for a hug which he took and i said i missed him. we hugged for awhile. a long while. long enough for abel to clock in show up and ask if he was interrupting. he looked slightly different but i asked if he was happier. how was the trip? things like that but he just kept looking at me and abel was like “she’s asking you questions, buddy” and then silas got all yappy
Last night I had a dream about me at work. It was me and this girl I work with named Briana. It was us and the supervisor named Krystal. Most of the time Briana and I were alone. She eventually started complaining about her feet bothering her. I told her to take her shoes off. She did that then asked me if I would be willing to rub her feet. I did that for a long time. During that time our supervisor never walked in.
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