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18 Jun 2024
Reaccuring dream about the same place, town I’ve never been before. There’s a house I think I live there.. theres a big upstairs floor with huge glass windows with a balcony looking off into a forest with a river and extremely big trees. Inside the house has a fireplace that stands out to me, inside it leads into another room.. lots of the rooms lead into more rooms. I keep dreaming about different senarious in that same place. One time my abusive ex was trying to steal my daughters and my current partner and I killed him and remember having so much anxiety about hiding the body.
I didn't dream anything, again and again
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This dream was sometime last year I believe. Once again I was with a beautiful woman. We were at a store. We walked down an aisle to find what we needed to buy. We were the only ones in that aisle. At some point I reached down and took one of her shoes off. She relaxed her foot as I took that shoe off. She then let me rub her bare foot. I was so happy to rub her foot. After I rubbed her foot she left her shoe off the rest of the time we were at that store.
Man shooting himself in front of me in the bath
Mum dying my hair blonde because I wanted it them crying because it looked to thin and I looked bauld
Guys from school at a party having gay sex
Me accidentally getting pregnant with the coil (positive test) then only being like a month pregnant with a bump and all of a sudden the baby moves in my belly and you can see its arms and body in my belly then it’s outside of me but I didn’t give birth. Within 5 mins it’s grown hair and is like a 2 year old toddler that can talk. Morgan had his friends over in the spare room and they put the baby to sleep in the loft while I got ready to go to the hospital. The baby came down and asked if the loft used to be a call center because it ‘came alive’
I have never dreamt about my grandmother until now. In my waking life my grandmother was like a mother figure to me and raised me sense i was a baby, i dont have a relationship with my biological mother. In my waking life my grandmother had died a few months ago this year from illness. In my dream me and my grandmother was outside standing in an unfamiliar place with a gate that had visible green grass and plants on the other side of it. In my dream i felt confusion, i was confused because i didnt know if i was dreaming that my grandmother was still alive or if she was still alive in my waking life. In my dream i wanted to ask my grandmother if she was still alive or if she was dead but i thought if i asked her she would have gotten upset with me. so because i didnt want to upset my grandmother i decided not to ask her. In my dream my grandmother didnt speak, she looked at me but didnt talk at all. In the dream i told my grandmother "i love you", i told my grandmother i loved her and she still didnt speak but she didnt stop looking at me.
i had a dream that i was at a gas station liquor store and i was buying a aloe vera drink to sneak in a movie theatre
17 Jun 2024
I had a dream that i was shopping in a grocery store with my 3 younger siblings. In my waking life i barely spend time with my siblings, we barely talk or see eachother. In my dream i was holding one of my youngest siblings hands while we walked through the grocery store aisles, but me and my siblings were being followed a stranger. The stranger looked like a big tall man with an unrecognizable face. The big tall man started to grab my youngest siblings arm away from me, the man was trying to kidnap my sibling. But i wouldnt let go of my sibling, i wouldnt let the man take my sibling away from me.
I was in a video store that sold CDs and books. I was walking around and trying to see a way out to get to my car. As I was getting closer to the double doors, I could see a lock was switched on once I approached it, then was switched off so the doors unlocked. I then opened the doors and got out. I tried to find my car, found it and 6 people and boxes of stuff were trying to fit into it. Ozzy Osborne was needing a lot of attention and was trying to get in the back. I told him to get in the front and he was telling me to hurry up.
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