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25 May 2024

Car accident


I was driving home with my daughter in the car with me. All around us were these huge construction vehicles, driving carelessly and recklessly and then I hit one of the ones that was in front of us. This was right after I told my daughter how dangerous I thought this was and how if this went on, there were going to be many accidents on the road. After I clipped the huge monstrous vehicle in front of me, I suddenly panicked and drove like 95 mph and then my sister was in the car too. I have never done this and waking life, but I zipped into the woods to hide my car because I was so fearful and then I guess I went home and left my car in the woods. at one point, I was even in somebodyโ€™s backyard with my sister and my daughter, and we were all trying to hide by sitting on this bench that was partly obscured and away from the road, but then we stopped because I realized it was part of somebodyโ€™s backyard and not a public bench I apologized to the man and woman we met and I quickly moved on. The three of us went home and I was surprised that my sister was there because sheโ€™s really in Florida right now and Iโ€™m trying to think of a way to get her not to come back and move back into my house, but in the dream she was already back. I donโ€™t want her in reality to move back in because she has trashed my home and has no respect for it. In my dream, I had left the car in the woods and then locked it, and I remained afraid that someone would discover it. In everyday life, I wouldnโ€™t normally speed away from the scene of an accident, nor would I hide my car in the woods, so this was a strange dream. In the dream, I told my sister that I was sorry, but I had had so many incidents like this that I couldnโ€™t take any more chances.

25 May 2024

Storm gray clouds


i was living a happy life and then weird stuff began happening around me and my pets, the water in the ocean around my house turned red and the fishies couldnโ€™t see and the animals became diseased and dyed red. the sky used to be bright and blue but from that point it was cloudy and dark despite it still being day time, it looked like a thunderstorm but there was no thunder and no rain. then i come home one day and see that my 2 pet giraffes are buried in the sand with only their heads sticking out. i try really hard to dig them out but the waves keep levelling the sand, undoing my progress and making it 10x harder to dig them out. its raining by that point and im sobbing and screaming because i think i cant take them out because theyโ€™re too heavy but eventually i managed to take the first giraffe out and then i just barely was able to get the second giraffe out. then im in my room with my boyfriend and i notice that thereโ€™s 2 needles on my wall. i come closer to take a look and thereโ€™s popcorn pierced through the needles and stuck to my wall, 1 needle for each giraffe that was buried. one of the popcorn pieces was starshaped. in the dream im filled with overwhelming dread and i try to find answers as to what this means but i find nothing.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 May 2024



my family was watching tv together and all of a sudden my dad started coughing and groaning and clutching his chest. he stood up from the couch and we were all trying to help him and then he said he was fine and we all sat back down. then a few minutes later it happened again and we all decided we needed to go to the emergency room. when we got there we went inside and were instructed to sit in a large booth with a table with some other people already sitting there. we sat down and then a man walked in and started to ask us all questions and made everyone answer one by one. after a few of these questions, he asked โ€œwhatโ€™s one word you would use to describe yourself?โ€ he called on everyone and they answered and then when he called on me i didnโ€™t know what to say. i said i didnโ€™t know and the man got mad and tried to force me to say something. i still could not think of anything and he finally moved on. then we were all dismissed and i went to the bathroom where there were some other girls around my age. they were all talking and i just listened. then we were told to find a picture of ourselves with clouds behind us. i sat on a balcony and scrolled through my photos trying to find one with clouds in the background. then when i moved my phone there was a dog in front of me. it was very cute and made me smile. i tried to take a picture of it but by the time i got my camera ready it walked away. i still couldnโ€™t find a picture of myself with clouds in the background so i went to find my family. when u found them, my dad told me we were about to leave. i was concerned because we hadnโ€™t been there for very long and i didnโ€™t think it was possible for him to have been treated in the short amount of time we were at the emergency room. but my dad was insistent that he was fine and ready to leave so we did.

25 May 2024



Dad bought Christmas presents for us I was in the Portland press herald a five page article for my help during the crisis and dad said how beautiful I was in the pictures, and I really was! Mum said I mustโ€™ve been using my fake personality cause no one likes my real one. I knew it was dads last Christmas and I left with him to go to his house and he had an Ashley Nikki aunt Jackie Grammy all there because of the storm and when we got to his house we noticed some of the neighbors lights on and he seemed relieved to get everyone out of his house lol There was an old iron boat but it caught fire and sunk We were being held hostage during the storm some where my cousin Daniel was there the elevators wouldnโ€™t work in the pictures I had a beautiful smile and face and the article stated they were looking for me and used my full name. I tried to read the article aloud but mum wouldnโ€™t pay attention

25 May 2024



My dream started out with my friend and I in this big wooden house. Him and I were in the shower and all of a sudden Graham got lost in his mind. He went out of the shower, sat down against the wall. Although his eyes were still awake, you can tell that he was in another dimension. Although it was a scary moment for Graham, I wasnโ€™t too worried because I felt I have been in his shoes before. I attempted to comfort him by letting him know everything will be okay and that Iโ€™ve been in his position. My dream transitioned to myself being around a pond in the woods with my car. I tried to drive my car back to where I came from up a hill but unfortunately my car died and I had to leave it by the pond. I got back to the house that I was staying with my uncle and two cousins. When we were around the pool my uncle walked up with the same bathing suit that I was wearing. A light blue bathing suit with pink flamingos. after laughing about that a white rabbit with pinkish red eyes arrived I assumed it was the house pet and it was really fluffy and cuddly and we both appreciated looking at the bunny it jumped onto the railing of the balcony and we were worried that would fall off but it wasn't worried at all and jumped back to our feet. Finally, the dream transitioned one more time to me, my cousin Alex, and my aunt driving down a one lane road through the woods. My aunt was driving and there were cars in front of us and behind us. All of a sudden, as I was looking back, I saw that we went off the road and are now heading through the woods, trees were passing my view, and I embraced for impact. everything went black.

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