28 Jun 2024
In my dream I saw myself, or at least who was supposed to be me, like watching myself from someone else’s eyes, like how you watch a movie. I don’t remember much, what I do remember is that the person I saw (me) was sitting by an half empty pool, cleaning out debris and filth. I somehow knew I had a purpose doing this. It was really disgusting work. I was interrupted continuously with other things to do, other things that took away my attention and I forgot about the pool and the filth. And then in the middle of the dream I remembered the pool and that I needed to clean it out and I was taken back there in a blink of an eye, like I had never gone in the first place. This continued on for most of the dream, and it was only when I was by the pool that I saw myself from an outside perspective. When I was pulled away by other things I was myself and experiencing things as myself, not outside my body. I felt a lot of frustration and stress and guilt in this dream. A feeling of not being enough and doing enough but also a feeling of being very lonely.