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3 Aug 2024



There where a lot of dogs in this dream. At first i was at a friends house and as we wete talking, a little puppy ran to us and i started petting him. He was adorable but my friend got annoyed. We saw a woman and she apologised for her puppy escaping and running to us. The dog ran back but also back again to me and my friend told me that because i petted him he will not leave. After i say goodbye and start walking home in the sunrise i see a street with a restaurant that just finished being build. It’s pretty and new and empty. As i’m walking through the empty and peacefull streets i’m passing a person with 2 dogs. They are very active and get out of line to come sniff me and the person with them is very friendly also. As i walk further i see an old classmate in a really cool outfit. I want to go say hi but at that moment we arrive at a little lake, we both need to get to the other side but the bridge is removed. There is in fact other options, like a zipline and climbing stuff as if it is a playground. As we start trying to find a way a man is sitting there telling us we can’t do it and we are going to fall into the water. This man is her brother. He explained he looks bad because it’s so early and i joke he looks like an aggressive alcoholic. He did not like the joke. I wake up before i get to the other side




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3 Aug 2024



I was walking home with a group of girls, a girl and I walked a bit further away of them after some time, then we heard a loud scream, I rushed back to the group and one girl was laying on the floor and another girl was kicking her head over and over again, everywhere was blood and the girl on the floor was dead, then the girl who murdered her walked away in a different direction and everyone else of the group was standing in a circle, one of the girls who was standing in the circle was laughing histeracly and all the other girls were completely calm. I started running away from them and a group of boys came out of a house, I asked one of the boys if I can call the police with their phone, but every time I put the number in it was always wrong and I couldn’t get the number right, I was freaking out and asked one of the boys to put the number in and then I woke up

2 Aug 2024

Video Game


Henna tattoo from a Pakistani girl I got in the festival during the day fading Lightning Farron and a few other characters from Final Fantasy XIII getting transported to the world of…idk what game this is but some odd mix of the original FFVII(the pixel one) or something like that So from FFXII it’s her(Lightning, Hope Estheim, Sahz, Snow, Fang, and about two other) From FFVII it’s Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret Each incarnate into the timeline alone, so different timelines same checkpoints I myself am just strolling around in the nighttime streets of Edo, generating AI images that pops up above my head of an oiran(a courtesan)-esque kitsune character that I’ll be disguising as wearing a kimono-ish one piece mini-dress with the sleeves and the motifs They’re picking crystal gems on the game screen ish thingy and buying it from the shops Lightning picked lepidolite, someone else picked yellow-orange topaz, another picked iris agate, another picked nuumite, another picked pink sapphire or something like that One other picked something blue and milky, angelite or lapis lazuli or something They’re discussing while they pick

2 Aug 2024



It started with me and some friends (none I know in real life) in this van, and we were doing some delivery job together and we ended up delivering to this one house and we knock and it's an older couple who answers the door (I'd guess they were in their fifties?) and they let us inside and we chat a little bit and then the husband leads us down to the basement cause there's stuff down there he wants to show us, and when he flips on the light it's a room full of nazi memorabilia and old world war 2 guns and he's showing us all this stuff and jokingly pointing the guns at us cause they aren't loaded (it scared me the first time he pulled a trigger, but it didn't shoot anything) and the whole time we have to act like this is okay, like pretend it's not really weird to have all this stuff because we don't want to upset him cause we all realize the fact he has all this mean he could be dangerous, and eventually after a while he finally leads us back out and to the door so we leave and hang out in the van somewhere else for a while but later that night I realize I left something behind and so I walk back to the house alone and sneak in through a window and I left it in the basement while the guy was talking to us so I sneak back down and grab it and I try to sneak back out but the guy catches me so I run to the window and try to go through it but it's taking longer than it should cause I'm panicking and fumbling but I manage to get out as he grabs for my leg and I start running and he's chasing me and I run through the dark down a path in the woods cause I think the darkness will make him loose me but he's right on my tail the whole time and I panicked more when I saw another shadow coming towards me from further in the woods and try to run past him but he stops me and I'm terrified that I'm about to die or worse but that man asks what's going on but the man chasing me catches up to us and then suddenly the dream changes the second he touches me, I'm with my friends again, this time on a ship as we go into enemy territory during a war (it was a big boat we were on but it drove on land or ice) and people warn us that's dangerous but we say we aren't here to fight we're just civilians traveling, they let us through the gate and we're there for a bit then when we try to leave they don't open the gate again, we're trapped there, we try to find another way around it through a jungle but then something cylindrical rolls towards our ship and it explodes and we realize those are bombs as they start aiming more at us we abandon ship and run into the jungle and swing through the trees to escape and then I see the leader of a troop looking for us and it's same guy who chased me before and as soon as he locked eyes with me I woke up.

2 Aug 2024



I’m in a hotel that’s had the largest bathroom I’ve ever seen it’s expansive over two rooms My daughter and I are enjoying the day but then I want to take a bath I fill up the tub and it does so immediately then I get in and even though I feel the water all over me I’m not wet I wash my hair and it isn’t clean I see dirty water but I’m not dirtied by it Then the scene changes and I’m in a bar with my suitcase of clothes I order a drink and laugh with the bartender I go to sleep in a large bed near the window of the bar As I’m sleeping a cowboy comes in and asks me if he can share my bed and I let him He sleeps next to me and it’s pleasant we talk we exchange our stories and go to sleep When I wake up he’s in the shower getting dressed and my coworker John comes over to me and starts showing me his ROTC uniform and buttons up his uniform Then the cowboy comes out dressed like a congressman he kisses me and leaves John then asks me why I’m cheating on my wife with the cowboy and he says I get it he’s really attractive The bartender warns me not to fall in love with the cowboy because he’s sketchy I tell them I’m with my wife and nothing happened except for that kiss that caught me off guard Then John asks need questions about the office and I get nervous because I’m behind on my work I rush to my suitcase but none of the clothes fit none of them are matching pairs like there are sweaters but no pants or shorts do I can’t change clothes and I’m late for work

2 Aug 2024



My last dream was seperated into 3 parts from what i can remember. First part of my dream i was at my house, but it didnt look like my house. And it was night and there was a wooden slide that i was sliding down but my cousin Jacob was in the way so i paused before i can hit the floor, i turned to my right where the fence is and there was a giant moth atleast 3 ft tall there and i got super scared i wanted to show my brother and oscar so i went to go get them but my dream had changed. In my second part of my dream I was at school on second floor and the giant moth was on the second floor with me and i kept staring at it. Then i went up to some office assistant and she gave me a pass to go back to class. So then i go back to class and its math so this bald teacher that ive never seen before gives me 2 papers and tells me to take a seat. But the class is already full so theres only 3 seats left and i chose the one infront of some girl i hate in my waking life named Nayomi. Nayomi was leaning on the empty desk in front of her that i wanted to sit on so i asked her if i can take it and she stayed quiet. Then i pulled it out from her grip and she got mad at me. So i sat at the desk 2 rows away from there. Then my dream transitions to P.e and were doing laps going back and forward through out the gym. And for some reason there were people dressed weirdly in costumes for who knows what. And i was looking for oscar. But then class was over so i went to the bathroom with my friends and theres this weird kid staring at a toilet and then some random student siting on some water with dark clothes and glowing purple eyes, so we leave. The third part of my dream i was driving my first ex (Gabe) back home and i dropped him off at his house but then he started walking in another direction, again this is another dream where i get confused on who i actually am dating. After that i somehow end up at his house with his mom, his little sister and brother who both surprisingly know me pretty well. Then for some reason they turn into demons and start tranfigurating so i leave and again i somehow end up in my moms room but its my room. my boyfriend Oscar was there playing on his videogames with videochat, and when i walked in he immidiatly shut this video chat down but i got a glimpse of a girl that he was talking to. She was chubby with short pink hair. So then i get mad at Oscar and walk out my room. Then a few minutes later i walk back in my room and hes videochatting that same girl again so then i start yelling at him asking him what her name is and why does he keep hiding her from me and if hes cheating on me, just very very strong emotions. I started crying and almost tried to strangle him even but then i just woke up.

2 Aug 2024



I ran into this couple at the airport and I think the woman was the narrator of the audiobook I was listening to in real life. She was brown-skinned and looked exotic, like Mediterranean or Middle Eastern. Her husband was white. Later they came to my sister Emily’s house and had three children with them. I went to sleep on the downstairs couch where I’ve been sleeping for the summer in real life, but the kids got up really early and were very loud upstairs, and sometimes they were coming downstairs to play. I had to go into Tom’s room to try to get some sleep. When I peeked back out into the main downstairs area the kids were playing, the adults were laying on the couch, one kid was playing the piano, and the couches had been completely rearranged. I think someone brought the couches upstairs to create more hang-out areas for Emily’s family and this family. I was really irritated by this time because it was 3am or 4am and this entire family was awake and encroaching on our area. At one point all of them came into our private area of the downstairs. Tom was talking to the two adults and they were asking all these questions about our lifestyle and living in the van, traveling, etc. I thought they were very annoying cause it was too early for all of this. The kids were in our room being loud and causing chaos. One part of the downstairs had these beautiful vintage lamps with lampshades with those long strings hanging down. Beautiful lampshades the kids were playing with and turning off and on. At one point, my phone wasn’t working and had gotten so hot I had to take it out of its case so it could cool off, and I’d taken my earbuds out but even with my earbuds out I could still hear my audio podcast. I couldn’t turn it off and it was a very disconcerting feeling. I was also trying to find my clothes so we could leave this chaotic situation but I couldn’t find the right clothes anywhere. The woman told me her children always woke up at 3 or 4am and she was always exhausted. Finally we were able to leave the house and we went over to Jill’s house to find peace and quiet. The deck was rotted out on one side and we had to avoid it so we didn’t fall through the deck. However, when we turned back around this pitbull dog had fallen through the rotted part of the deck and was scrambling not to fall on these lower beams. I wondered if Tom would try to save this dog or if he was too afraid of dogs. Two times during this dream about the family in our basement and bedroom area woke me up and I was surprised it was a dream and I was sleeping on the couch. I was very disoriented because this dream took place in my current living environment.

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