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10 Jun 2024



Natsu the sweet Dog with bleeding nails. I was so concerned. I had a baby on my back swimming and the baby disappeared. I went to go look for the baby but he wasn’t in the water so there was a building and I went to it. Someone was holding rope to hold up a trap but I went to the back to get out trying to get out.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

10 Jun 2024



I went out to the club with my mom. I don’t really know what happened that made me angry but I ended up getting in my car after the club and I was very upset . Two random dudes walked up to my car and they were arguing with each other. One of them started bending my hood up so I got out of the car and yelled at him . My mom appeared on the passenger side of the car and kept telling me to get in my car and go . I’m still arguing with the dudes about my car . And then one pulls a gun on me because I called him a “bitch”. The other dude runs off and my mom is pleading with him to let me go . He puts the gun away and I get in my car and speed down the hill angry saying “this is the second time tonight someone has pulled a gun on me” ( keep in mind this has never happened in real life ). I get down to the bottom the hill and I can still see where the altercation happened . I can see my mom , and the two dudes along with some other women. I get pulled over by two Hispanic police officers . When I step out the car I can see my mom being attacked by the women and the men yelling stuff at my mom. I’m trying to explain everything to the police but they were too worried about where and how I parked my car and told me to move it. So I hurry and move my car and one police officer said I’m still parked illegally even though I wasn’t and they started laughing . I heard “chill yall she not breathing” & my mom was laying unconscious on the floor then I woke up.

10 Jun 2024

Living Room


I dreamt I got a call from my cousin that I grew up with. Him and his younger sister wanted me to go over and see them because I hadn’t seen them in so long. I agreed and my siblings and I went out to this shopping center and we were looking at all the stores and what they were selling. We call had a good time. Then other people in my family that I don’t like started showing up including my uncle. I remember one of the stores had a whole shelf just for bottles filled with boba jellies that you could pour a drink into. I’m not sure why that is relevant. I also remember that same store had another shelf with a rolled up onsie that was glow in the dark and I was so excited about it and I turned to show my cousins. Then the scene switched and I was back at my house with everyone but I was in the dining room alone with my dad and my nephew who in my dream was younger than in real life at about eleven years old instead of nineteen. We were at the table and there was a box of cookies and sweets. My dad had a cookie in front of him and my nephew kept asking for more. At one point my nephew wanted to be mischievous and grabbed his grape juice and poured linen juice into it and started throwing the liquid around everywhere and it landed on my dads food and the rest of the food in the box. I sent him off and told him no more and he walked off. The whole time I was in the dining room, everyone else was in the living room talking but I never once saw any of them during that part of the dream but I could hear them talking. When my nephew left the dining room, he went to join everyone else in the living room. After he left, I picked out the cookies that were ruined then decided to pull the parts off that were ruined instead of throwing them all away. Before I could finish, the scene changed again and I was at my aunts house. I was pregnant and my whole family was there again. This time my cousin was with me and we were talking. I don’t remember but after that except that there was a van that I had placed in the parking lot from what I can only describe as an inventory like you would have in a video game. I did that so I could have something to drive with the baby in. After the first baby, it was like I willed myself pregnant again but I woke up before that one came. I think at the end of my dream I was lucid but I can’t fully remember.

10 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was forced to go to a “mental facility” with is an insane asylum. And I knew that in my mind this place seemed off-ish like my spirt team was telling me that I need to get out of there because it’s not what it seems and I didn’t understand it but I followed what they said , I waited until night time to leave and I ended up escaping and the head master ‘person that is in charge’ got mad and turned into a monster crypt thing and was tryn to chace after me . I got another girl to escape but then she changed her mind and I climbed up some latter thing and jumped into a helicopter and took off before the monster crypt thing could get me . And when I woke up it’s like I had this weird feeling like I was being watched by someone or something. And I woke up with slight chest pain but mostly confused .

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