20 Jul 2024
My dream last night was like a whole movie. It started in this like weird movie setting at the very beginning where this group of people was like by this like sewer thing and one of the kids wandered in. One of the other kids followed them. So this older guy, the guy that plays Iron Man follows the kids and then a few more follow and then I follow and when we come out on the other side two of the kids or older the pregnant lady in the car crashed and died, and then one of the kids in the back died back in the car and Tony Stark was older and then a few more people came out. There were two kids that became older from this water and there were a few adults as well and then we kind of just like went on with our lives and I was convinced that it was something with like, religious or even magical or something, and I was trying to figure it out and then it kinda shifts and this lady and another lady the second lady who is like her assistant is like a fem boy kind of she had a really deep voice and she had no boobs and they came in with some of the water from the sewer and they were apparently some of the researchers and they pulled me aside and they were like hey we figured it out. It was because the water didn't have enough lead in it it was a lead deficient water like oh my God I found out that one of the ladies who had not walked through. It had gone back and walked through it, hoping it would make her smarter or that people would pay more attention to her because she was a little bit overweight and kind of like ignored and she seems like she really wanted attention, so she walked through water, but the water made her eyes look like she was blind and her brain was just like all fucked up and kind of became like a zombie, but she could still like talking and stuff and didn't like eat people or anything, but it was not good and she ended up getting crushed by a shelf and it was pretty sad. I'm not even gonna lie and then at the very end there was guy who went through age and he had this mask on and he was. He had a sun sword and then there were two others there was me and then there was this guy with this moon sword, and, the guys were about to fight, but then they pressed a button that was on their sword and it went together and the sun guy became a cop and the moon guy was like OK what's what happens now and then the moon no the sun guy came back and was like I don't even know what's going on and that's when you find out that his father was one of the people who died from going through that water and that it really affected him and that he tried to commit suicide when he walked through the water so that he could be with his father and that's when he asked me if his father's waiting for him on the other side and that's when he takes off his mask then you can see that he has like bubbling blisters, but you could only assume is from the water which doesn't make sense because it didn't happen to anybody else so it could've been for something else as Wellit's kind of an open ended thing