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11 Aug 2024
I had a dream I was having an argument with Nate. And then he said something that made me made so I told him to get out. He looked surprised but then went down stairs. We were in a house that didn’t look readily familiar. But our family was downstairs. Mainly my family. I was in the room still trying to clean up but I was upset. Then Nate came back in to come grab something’s and my mom walked in saying she needed to talk. So we all sat down and she started saying when are we gonna give her money for staying with her. In the dream it was evident we were living in that house but visiting. And in my conscious life I actually just gave my mom $300 last week. So in the dream I said I just gave you $300. And she said “well that $300 is gone and y’all stayed with me for a while. I mean I saw Nate buying things the other day and I was like wow, I could use that money.” And I said “ok so this is what we’re not going to do. You know Nate and I are in the middle of an argument right now so we are not about to do this right now. When we have money to give you we will get you more money.” Then I stood up, grabbed Nate’s hand and started leaving the room. We went down stairs and started packing up our things to leave and the kids and I was taking all the thinks I bought to her the house that she was using, like a plug in light fixture. It was dirty so I took it to the kitchen sink to clean it off and Nate followed me in and then I woke up.
I was a magic user living in the woods and forest with my druidic family in nature until I was lost and separated from them and then found by this other family who were heading to the West or Oregon or something and that took about a year or two before I got found by them and I almost got caught doing magic with my new family because I was being lazy and made an illusion for me to help in the front of the shop and it didn't do a good job. Luckily the dad was also a magic user so he could help my control and hide my powers. So I went through a mall type place and it was just filled with people and there was a bunch of escalators and then we had to leave and then I ended up in a school, not for long but for a little bit, and yeah, and then I I don't know, I just kind of woke up. I went back to sleep and I was a cat who was making fun of another cat and it was funny.
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I’m traveling. I’m staying at a very trendy hotel. One of my travel companions is being rude to the staff . It’s embarrassing. I apologize for her perfusely. She leaves, we stay. There’s a restaurant that wants our business. It’s middle eastern. I think the food is delicious but others don’t get it because it’s foreign. They give away free things like sliced fried chicken to entice people to like it more. I’m calling an Uber but I don’t know the address. It’s my moms address but she’s dead and I don’t know it. There is a workshop for entrepreneurs. Everyone is so young. One girl keeps bullying me, so I pull a harmless prank and plug my computer in at her table. She gets visibly upset and screams Amd puts my computer at my desk and keeps pointing and showing people. I avoid the conflict and help a woman hand wallpaper on windows of her new space where she will be running a hip small business. I’m not very handy so I point out my idea and then I woke up .
The dream was set in a salon that I worked at in the past. People were showing up that I didn’t know but were talking about my previous job and saying how they admire me but I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I didn’t deserve it. My husband was there and said look at what you have done and that I should be proud of myself. I argued that I did not deserve it but everyone else seemed to think that I did. There were cheers and applause and excitement but I felt like I wanted to hide. Then I woke up.
I was at a house with a unknown family then I went out side i saw white sneakers on the edge of the gravel road a brief moment i saw my sister
I was in a house and there were snakes everywhere. The house had snakes coming out of the light fittings. I was so scared Then I was on airport transport bus. There was a beautiful Indian man who was my husband ( I do not have a husband). My pet dog was a puppy in a basket at our feet. I was holding a tiny baby. Three terroists got on the bus and locked the doors. My husband told me to look in his eyes. I got up and walked to the back of the bus with the baby. The terrioriats set the baby carrier on fire. It was a bomb. My dog died
i was with the real version of people from my current favorite show. we were traveling and as we stopped at each island we had to go underground to continue. we started to feel bad about ourselves because we weren't doing what we loved. so we all said our realizations out loud and we made it to the last island
Earl Jickey and Joy Turner (from My name is Earl) and I were trying to get to a tv studio so Early could promote his book. Joy was tagging along to promote her book. Having trouble getting the books downstairs at the library, the cart was loaded into the elevator. I was walking around untangling headphones and pinning a microphone to myself when a reporter came up and asked an assistant what the hell I was doing.
A girl running from a something an I saved her
I dreamed I was at an event or retreat somewhere with my puppy Diesel. At some point during the retreat Diesel got hurt and he was bleeding out of his tummy. I was so scared. I asked my friends to look up a vet nearby I can go to get it stitched up. The vet seems to be not in the best neighborhood but I didn't care it was during the day time and I needed Diesel to be ok. I asked a few friends can they come with me they seem to be a bit hesitant to go I added even if they don't stay just to get me there. They agreed. We started walking over there and I would hold Diesel sometimes to embrace and sometimes I would let him walk him on the leash. There was an establishment I had to go through to get to the vet but weren't members there thought-out the week my friends and I would scheme to make it seem we belong to this posh club. We tried it this time around to get Diesel and I through but the management clocked us. While my friends were trying to figure out another way through I decided I don't have time I went to the manager show the blood coming out of Diesel while I'm teary eyed and told her I just need to get through to get to the the vet she immediately complied and handed over a toy that Diesel loved and got accidentally left there last time we were at the club. I thanked her and we went about our way. I woke up before I got to the vet but I believe Diesel was taking care of and was ok. Earlier in the dream before Diesel got hurt I was with my family I think we were putting something together to celebrate my Neice. Anywho my sister Jenny and I got into a really bad argument and we stopped speaking to each other. I went to my eldest sister Melory and Neice Jasmine to see what they think. They weren't sure why Jenny was so upset; I asked them should I apologize they said sure to try to bury the hatchet. I decided ill apologize even if it wasn't my fault just to attempt to bury the hatchet I also didnt get to the outcome of that dream. I just remembered at some point hanging out with friends and meeting new people that were cool during this retreat-like event in this place we were staying at.
I had a dream about getting ready to go to a party and I was in my PJs and I was charging my phone I saw my friend Jonathan and I was confused about why he was there but it turns out there were lots of people in the house and there was a party at my house so I went outside and I saw my sister in a blue dress going outside the gate into my mom's car so I run and I say wait cuz I wanted to go but as I was holding on to the door she drives away u couldn't get in and I saw my cousin an electric scooter and I told her just hit me with it and she did and I was hit then I saw black and got up and just walked back in and I woke up
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