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24 Aug 2024
Dreamt I was in a diner,everyone spoke Spanish. We were in line and we were taking forever to order food bc Ricky couldn’t make a decision. The cashier/waiter was doing her best, she was an old lady. Then the customer next in line was being rude and I called her out in front of the entire restaurant to not treat their workers poorly and I gathered all the guests/customers to say in unison to call out the mean, privileged person. Then another woman went to the restroom, closed the door and she was throwing up. Next dream occurs I was grooming a white cat. The white cat was older, but very beautiful. I was combing the cats fur, cutting the hair and she was very happy. Once I was done, the white cat jumped to the floor and started playing with a small bag. The bag then opened into the cats mouth by accident and the cat was scared. I ran to the cat and pulled out the things that fell into her mouth. In the white cats mouth was the jaw bones of another cat. I carefully removed them one by one. I put the items back in the little bag. I realized these items were used for divination purposes. Then I felt these belonged to Michelle- a friend/ acquaintance of mine.
I had a dream in my dream a friend of mine who is helping me in one process now she was in my dream and she was all alone in the city summer and I have been busy in the doctor and she told me she has some problem with her vagina. I have her told her I can try to take an appointment with her at the hospital , while I am there so I asked him and got an appointment in the hospital for her in like 22 weeks so I asked her where are you? And she said she’s like another part of city so I told her why you were alone you can hang out together because my son is not home so we can hang out together, then to her to find her so and then I met her somewhere at the place by sea so we order some mice to be on the fire and pay. I paid for it when we came out we saw a bitch people were swimming there so it was a very beautiful fish in the sea and children screaming so sudden I saw my friend went to the water to swim as well. It’s cold. I didn’t wanna go so I just walk a little bit into the water and then she screaming because fish came and bite her so I went to help her, and then I saw another fish biting me as well were trying to release from the fish is another fish to us kind of attacking us so we were trying to escape and so scared. What’s going on here? It was very beautiful bitch all of a sudden danger place around my car and I forgotten that I have a car and I went to the bus, and then remember I saw my car key and I remember I had a car so came back to look for my car to drive and I woke up
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A woman who lives
I was with my boyfriend but he was not fat in my dreams and was muscular. We were in this neighborhood that was very open, all the stores had glass windows and were very open so you could see inside them. I remember seeing an old friend in the dream but I have no clue who the person is in real life however we had a lot of memories.
My husband and I have finally decided that we were going to attempt to have a baby. We start buying stuff and we attempt for the first time at home. We get interrupted by someone knocking on the door, which is my mom. I start an edible in my purse and I go with her to the store. My husband texts me saying we try again tomorrow. After we finish shopping my mother accidently takes me her house. She said she is sorry and so I go to my empty room with nothing but a bookshelf filled with books, two tracks with a whole bunch of coats on them, and some random stuff on the floor. I sat in the middle of the room and reminisce.
I'm at this high school where I volunteer frequently and everytime I do something different happens in my dream. This time, I meet up with a woman who looks like my moms friend wife. She is looking for her son. I am connected to a program so I can only help partially. A girl who I know in real life hangs out with me in this dream everytime. This time in the dream it is homecoming. The football players are walking around with their girlfriends and there is a big performance and I see some of the children I taught before. Later I meet up with my mom's friend's wife to continue trying to find her son. In previous versions of this dream she always been terrified of the wooden elevator; this time she was not. We all got on but the wife was a little slow so I held the door open with my arm. It fully closed on my arm but I did not feel anything. The elevator goes dark for a second and ends up closing in the wife's foot and immediately the thing starts to shake and wobble and go down really fast then stop and go up really fast. When we saw it go back to the original floor we all jumped off. She claims we broke it but me and the girl just continue to laugh and try to shake off the very scary experience. I wake up with a very fast heart beat.
I was in an old house on a university campus. I was taking a dr joe dispenza seminar. i was also getting my cowrie shells for the first time so i can begin asking my spirit guides questions. I went upstairs away from the seminar and asked seline to ask me as questions so i could cast and read the shells. She asked a silly question “ will me get me anything for my birthday?” She knows the answer to this since our mom don’t celebrate birthdays because she is a Jehovah Witness. The shells read a definite NO. My mom comes in and sees me casting the shells. She is upset by what I’m doing. I tell her it’s just for fun and I’m here for the dr joe Dispenza mindset, seminar. She is not fully believing me but leaves. Her And Seline leave. Then as i am preparing to go downstairs back to the seminar the house begins to shake. Like its foundation is moving. Then the house begins to slide down and crash into a body of water. All the windows shatter, im covering my head and face so i dont get cut in my face and eyes. Water rushes into the house and i know i cant eacape through the broken glass windows as water rushes inside. I go another way and find a way to swim to anotger side of the house where there are other people from the seminar. Some people are following me, some people are following others. A small group of us hang on for to something atached to the wall thats floating. At some point the water stops rushing un and we see there are areas of the lower level of the house we are stuck in that we can stand around and not worry about floating or drowning. We begin to get frustrated as we wait for help. I change my clothes infront of a man and i dont care that he can see me. I do it quickly but i am more frustrated by not knowing how this happened and how we are getting out
I was in the 18th century as Queen of France. At dinner with Ben Franklin, I had a candle balanced on my lap. I burned myself and had to be cut out of my dress. The dream abruptly changed to me being royalty in a mashup of the US and England in modern times. I was stabbed by an assassin at an event but didn’t let my composure slip. I then instructed my dad (who was driving) to take me to the hospital. My mom and I walked in and I told the two ward sisters I’d been stabbed. When my shirt was pulled away, I saw the burn mark from the previous part of my dream. The cuts were thankfully shallow, and I was released after a night of observation. I insisted on wearing dress pants since my loose shirt would be covered by my coat. At a press conference, a group of Girl Scouts-ranging from a Daisy to the leader-came. I got in the car and was taken to a beach. The beach was littered with seashells to where it hurt to walk barefoot, but I had to make it to the part where the sand was smooth and not rough. I had hoped to enjoy the sun, but my dad said it was time to go and had I already had enough time at the beach?
I had a dream that I was attending a high school, I wasn’t there long until the principal decided to expel me. It was because I was involved with some inappropriate activities with a couple of others peers, and I think there some other situation I was encouraging others students to keep acting out the bad behavior. I was devastated as I didn’t expect to be expelled for these things, and the principal was the same one I had during my time in primary school.
I was in line to shake the Queens hand. Standing next to a nephew or cousin who was mentally challenged. Queen leaned into kiss my cheek and said he was becoming curiouser and curiouser. Queen was dressed in semi formal cream colored dress with crystals and pearls and had on a diamond tiara. We had a dessert that was so good. White hard sugar shell with a rising puffy cream when shell broke. Tasted like custard but better.
I had a dream I was dancing in a void, I was dancing to the INXS song “Mystify”. The void was a white room and I was wearing a black outfit.
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