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8 Aug 2024



my dream started with me and my classmates and mom i guess being in a space shuttle that was huge, it was where we lived. A friend and I were looking through a window at earth and the moon, when all of a sudden a huge explosion happened and jt kinda rocked the shuttle. When we looked the moon had exploded, and was replaced by a moon just a as big as the sun, if not bigger. I panicked. We all panicked? what did that mean for earth? whats happening there?. Most of everyone on the shuttle was preparing to go down to earth in small ships to see what was happening. I went down with this boy in a shuttle with classmates. The earth felt weird, an odd sensation of being alone, but not at the same time. After a while it skipped to another part of the dream. We were all locking ourselves in a school. There were strict rules you had to follow at specified times. Or else bad things would manifest. For example at 6:42 we werent allowed to wear green jewelry and we had to stay almost completely silent. I say almost because a few words meant nothing. But sentences with meaning can be twisted into bad manifestation. I was planning to meet mom so i could sit with her while we sat in silence for who knows how long this time. But when i saw her the time had already began and i walked up to her but she was talking. I shushed her and stood next to her. She talked, and we shushed her, she wasn't exactly a whole believer. But we knew. Mom was saying about how many girls there are compared to guys. Then after the time felt right we went back to normal. Then we heard what? I dont know but we started running away to another building. We were definitely running from something but i cant remember. This time it was a business building it looked like. We figured out the combination code on the lock and locked ourselves inside. I try to defend my mother to the other girls. I look over to mom and then I Woke Up.

8 Aug 2024



I was trapped in m my own head. My dream started amazing. It started out with its own concept. A headquarters almost. For when i sleep. I walk into an office room with a lady and she directs me to the rest of the rooms where my dreams happen or other people or characters in my dream. Its a few rooms that are the backrooma behind my dreams, and its mine cause its my dream uou know? and everytime i got tired of a dream or wanted a new one, i would just clean up the rooms and walk outside the first door i came in through. Then when i walk right through everything resets. A new dream i can be in the backrooms of. And the door for me to walk through and experience the dream. i dont remember exactly how it started. But there was a nightmare that id lived before. I was experiencing it again and i knew what to do almost. I was in the living room with I and M and four men were trying to break in through the side door. I had. a gun. I opened the door and tried shootint them. but all of a sudden it had no ammo?. the last dream it did, so why didnt it now? i panicked and got scared so i chose to leave the nightmare. and to to headquarters through the door. It was different . the atmosphere was different. The people were moody and the office lady did not.. care?. it was odd. Eventually we started cleaning to start the next dream. I felt i hadnt done my part hut i thought maybe i should just try to see if we pass for the next dream. We then finished and a bright flash of light blinds all of us and when we close our eyes the SCORE of how well we all did overall cleaning, with the dream, everything us shown to us in our head. Usually this resets everything as i said. The room should be clean , new dream, new people. But it didnt work this time? we looked around and it was the same. So i thought, my fault i didnt do as much as the others. So i clean, Still nothing, I kept trying over and over again but it wouldnt reset. So i thought i should just walk in and out of the door dream. Since the dream hasnt been reset i should be sble to walk out and back in. But when i walked out i was in a, continued dream of the last one. The door was gone. For some reason i knew how this dream was gonna go, but i still tried to live. A man in the frontyard trying to kill me, a roaming bear in the street, and dogs in the backyard barking. I climb a tree to escape this man. He can't reach me. Everytime i scream he gets back. This attracts the dogs who i hope help?. They dont. He pulls out a lighter from his pocket and lights it near the base of the branch im hanging onto. I move to a different branch. Im out of ideas? Im thinking so rapidly. He gets to my branch and hes about to light it. and for the first time in my own dreams, i beg for something not to happen. The lighter wouldn't start? it wouldnt start. I forgot what got me thinking but for some reason i thought, "Maybe its cause i try to drag people down with me? ". And the mood changes again. My eyes open, ive come to a realization, maybe thats what im supposed to realize? what ive gotta take away? To me, its like the dream ended. I jump off the tree. and start yelling THATS IT and repeating my thoughts, The man looks confused, as if ive broken the dream barrier wall, I run up to him, hug him and say thank you? I walk towards the house and open this door expecting it to lead me to headquarters eith everything reset. I open it. Its worse than before. The office room is trashed, Abandoned and dark. I feel heavy. I thought i got it? I thought i reset everything? Ive tried everything i can? Why won't it reset. I dont want to be alone. Reliving my nightmares. I walk past the office and the whole of headquarters is abandoned, trashed, and has a dim atmosphere. But i know someones there? The office lady in an, almost altered form as if she'd been corrupted. She wasnt perceivable, nothint but a feeling that you knew she was there, A black hole with slim eyes, thats the most you could see of her now. I was scared. What happened to her? She talks to me, but looking back, maybe i was just talking to myself. I felt trapped in my own dreams, in my own head. I thought i was never gonna be able to wake up, dream another dream. To be left endlessly to figure out what i did wrong in order to deserve it.




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8 Aug 2024



Saturday, 25 May 2024 11:13 AM A Waters Dream Boat We lived on water, We lived on small islands of waters or huge boats with populations of towns. It was common to see people come and go on small boats like the waters bike. The only dangers were being drowned by the fast sea animals, people from other villages or pirates. We had prophesies told to us and sometimes we would sing them to help us find the meaning. Right now we were living on a huge cruise like boat but out of wood. There was a girl that mainly spoke spanish. She had a problem but i dont remember exactly what it was. We had a huge picture- on a newspaper like material, standing on a table, this time this photo was the prophecy, Something on this photo was going to help us find what we needed, We werent sure if it was from the future or it had a hint somewhere. We were in a town hall sort of meeting . On the paper was drawing or pictures, even references that had already happened in the dream. The main clue was a huge tower of words that related to her. She would connect the words with a song and I would sing along. But we needed one more part. As we tried, she called her people to go get something, maybe to try and help us, and also a gift for me. As i took a step back to look over the full almost town map looking picture i hover back over the top left corner and get closer again. There's a boat, 1 person on the deck, [very small portion of the paper] and theres a small text bubble. But it looked like gibberish, maybe backwords? it was using numbers that looked like letters and it was backwards? So i told her LOOK. I tried as quickly as i could to try and read it. Then i could hear my time was up.. The ringing of my alarm faded into the sky of my dream. So i woke up... Before that ending i had quite an adventure in this world. I could ride boats like they were skateboards, school on the big main boats. Except we didnt learn school subjects but about survival, prophecies and our history.

8 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was at a new school/ Academy, but I felt like something was off, so I had the school call my mom to pick me up at the end of the day. I went into my dorm room and was called down because someone told me my mom was in the building. So I went to one of the buildings where I saw a few people guarding an entrance to somewhere. A few guards were down and other guards started panicking. My mom was right near me. As soon as the guards saw the door open, they got down on their knees, closed their eyes, and put their pointer finger to their mouth as if they were shushing someone. And before I could as a question my mom made me do the same. There were these strange looking monsters that came out. They had a form but they looked like black smoke or ash. I went to go warn the other kids, and realized I couldn’t escape. The monsters destroyed a lot of things and put all of us through trials.

8 Aug 2024

Sleep paralysis


A short dream from a few days ago, while i was in mexico still to visit for my fathers abrupt passing. While sleeping in a room with my sister beside me. I slowly started to drift into a dream facing the wall on the outer edge of the bed. The dream i slipped into was natural and normal i can't even remember it. But out of nowhere it felt like my dream had switched channels and the whole first dream left on a whim and a new one started. It was my sister and I , in the same bed we went to bed in just hours before. She was sitting up against some pillows and i was right next to her. We were in the same setting/room we fell asleep in. I remember looking around and trying to describe the feeling in this room. Once this dream abrubtly overtook the first one, i just immediately looked to describe what this felt like. I looked at my sister and she was holding a wooden rosary necklace i had bought for her about a week ago in real life. She had it loosely wrapped around her hands and said "It feels suffocating" and i knew it was exactly the same feeling i was trying to find about the feeling in this room. The word i had been looking for to describe the energy almost. So i told her "yes, exactly like that¡" i agreed and the dream ended. I woke up in sleep paralysis for a short minute before i was able to snap out of it. A small lingering shivering feeling as i did.

8 Aug 2024

Evil spirits


Dream today I was in a magnificent place In my dream as if I’ve reached enlightenment I’m ascending to new levels never before seen in my ancestry and heritage I’m breaking those generational curses and seeing people as whole souls and with my superbly awesome demeanor in High High High High Emotional Intelligence I go through life like cake like butter 🧈 so easy to get along and tell vibes and energies. I’m overcoming all obstacles and proud and this is it this the turning point it all starts with me. What was trying to keep me down only succeeded in hurting itself not me I overcame….Lots of envy and jealousy around me I’m helping influence and creatively perfecting myself in many ways inspiring people I haven’t even known I’m inspiring and aspiring to new levels. I had a talk with a Tarot Psychic and she said there’s things that are unattainable but lots of possesively awesome things happening and need lots of protection but yet I still make it through with sheer class and there’s evil entities but they don’t have the POWER OR STRENGTH I HAVE FROM MY ANCESTORS ARE PROTECTING ME. LOTS OF GOOD ENERGIES AND POSITIVE THINGS AND OPPORTUNITIES. I’m ok with that. Like in that dream 💭 💤🛌💭😘🌙I may not get the whole pie 🥧 but later I get pieces 🍰of 🎂 of it, and that’s awesome almost as if it’s what I’m missing with my Erect Dick or Penis or Cock Size just that much more and I’m good with that it’s attainable. 2 pie slices equals 2-3 inches more so I’m ok it’s attainable just need to push through and never 👎🏼 give up self improve….I’m talking to women but it’s ok to be friends and not get the whole picture of being with them simping kissing messages and hearts 🥰 emotional texts and and flirting and caring is plenty for me….a lot of people single and it’s the new norm while back then it wasn’t. Focusing on me. Not everyone wants what’s best for me they are or at least most are probably leaving me because they are afraid of how powerful I am and have become.

8 Aug 2024



my dream started with being in a big city, dressed for a classical concert in this gold and white looking colosuem, it was a school event so i had classmates going. I tried to sit and look for a while but i kept switching seats or getting up to leave. I didnt really want to be there. So i left and i saw my boyfriend, he was talking about this video that he wanted to see on YouTube but mainly because his family wanted him to watch it. He wasnt going to but i knew that video, it was an Inspirational anime type video with clips and quotes(¿). So we went somewhere (?) it felt like a big building that had rooms and was kind of dark when i think about it. The lighting gradually began to dim throughout my time there with you. You were on a bed and i was on leaning on it beside you, trying to find the video on my phone and with my headphones because i thought itd be better that way, but i realized i had my laptop so i tried searching it up there while i layed on the bed beside him. I could feel your hand wrapped around my stomach and i started to fall asleep looking for the video because my laptop was being very slow for some reason. At this point the lighting was almost pitch black where we were. I dozed off and then tried getting the video on again. i stood up to see you gone, the bed had disappeared or maybe i walked away from it looking for you. it was pitch black and the only dim lighting in the Abandoned-feeling building was coming from a figure of a person almost limping towards me. I got scared a bit. [At this point in dreams, when i realize it'll be nightmare/horror-esque i also know im dreaming but i try to wake up because. . scary] In my head i automatically assumed zombie almost.. but the person walked by me trying to run away down the hall and pointed at me to run as well. So i thought not a zombie, worse?. I tried running down and finding a room to hide in. I went to what looked like a store in the building that was ransacked and dark.I sat in the corner knees to my chest. ------ The next continuation i remember is me living in that building with a group of survivors. It was a tall building, nice to live in for us. Everything we did was quiet or at the least not loud. What lived in there with us was one death angel, but it was almost completely black, and in my peripherals looked full of black goo going down its back and creating almost a coat over his body which made it look much bigger.Starting around this point in the dream i would wake up every now and then but still be tired and go back to bed. But everytime my dream would continue where it left off in this quiet place type dream. I dont remember much more but close calls with this thing while living there with others. Hiding in stalls and being as quiet as i can hoping i wake up. I eventually did. now 😶‍🌫️

8 Aug 2024



I was…in a room. I believe a random bedroom, unsure of why I was there. It was familiar but for an unknown reason. There was a cockroach…fearfully in the corner of the area. I sought it out and killed it by stepping on it, seemingly. Then…there was Dave, he seemed to believe nothing was wrong. Despite being his normal almost-broody self, he was a bit nicer and upbeat. I thought it odd but did acknowledge his good mood. Next we went to Dollar General…a Dollar Tree store…or a Goodwill shop. We found the furniture aisle and was looking through it. I found a pink stringy fluff pillow on the end of the aisle as a little girl recommended it. Couldn’t see her for some reason, but she was there…around 8 years old and wearing Mary Jane shoes. Again I knew not how I knew that by the sound and footprints of it. I went to a more open area, surrounding a centerpiece of some kind, like a Lowe’s. But then I noticed a flood…and alarms went off as the water levels rose to my ankles. I grabbed a kayak and rowed to Dave, to which I saw flashes of a trail, neighborhoods to seek, and Dave yelling commands to finish packing and load the car. Which resembled a Black Jeep with a navy blue tint. Fresh tire on the back of it. He helped me pack my things and load them. As I watched the levels of the water rise and grow closer, as I urged Dave to hurry before this town was flooded and swallowed whole. Like an oceanfront. He got in the Jeep and I hopped in the back and ran the accelerator. We moved to the next town before discovering a commotion there with celebrities and suburban residents frantically waiting for something…seemingly shelter or housing. As I looked back at whence we (Dave and I) came, we saw a flush of water rising up on the trail. We were running out of time to escape to higher ground. It seemed like the flood was increasing in tectonic power…and rain began to fall. So thinking fast, I quickly disengaged from my belongings and the Jeep residing the way. I hopped up onto a roof, hearing the commotion of former residents and celebrities in screaming, “You can’t do that!” “Get down!!” To which I refused and ignored the jeering and chanting. I found a bulldog up on the roof as I navigated further along, and a orange cat with tuxedo kittens. I gathered them in my arms, the poor things shaking from being wet. I dashed further out the neighborhood via the roofs and trees, and found a secret staircase upwards. Bulldog started barking and kittens mewling as I turned my head to see the water overtaking our path backwards. I swallowed and ran up the staircase, seemingly forever, and watching the flood stop behind us, and the animals dry off and warm up. It seemingly felt like we were flying. Like I charged my magic to form big blue wings to fly. My hands felt hot as we made it to the heavens of Paradise. I looked down and saw no one else had made it. I lowered the animals safely on the ground. And they thanked me by jumping on my legs and pawing them. Before running off. Upon awaking a few times, I felt my back was heavier…like my wings were huge and dragging behind me. I felt hot upon standing up. And felt exhausted to fall asleep, even though I needed to eat. I woke up to storming rain one last time.

8 Aug 2024



i had a dream where me and my family where in the big city and the zombie apocalypse started. we all went out and broke into buildings and killed people for food, and i was exeptionaly good at the killing part, using deadly gasses in the vents to wipe out rooms at a time. we decided to bring our two dogs with, gunner and Koda, and Koda got bit on that journey and started to turn into a zombie and i cried and punched things, so my dad made a small cut on Kodas neck and he wad fine until the morning where his joints started to lock up, and we made another small cut on Kodas neck to stop the zombie virus and slow jt down a bit. and when we got back Koda jumped out of the grass and bit my dads armored glove, and he shot Koda and killed it. also my hair was a bit longer

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