17 Aug 2024
I am on top of this mountain that looks down on the hole of all the water city and the region surrounding it; basically the west Kanagawa region
I am looking down at this magnificent scape with the river crossing in the middle of it from the ski jump stage/scaffold, the ski jump start-point arch, there’s an arch above my head
Scene goes back to the time when I’m preparing for this thing(putting my gears on and such) with the help of my family(mother and younger brother) at the apartment room that we used to live in in Hakone
There’s also Calcharo, the stoic, intimidating merc with flexible morality, the long straight white hair and the scars all over his hody from the game Wuthering Waves
There’s also the girl that made me leave some of the past I had *to* her before I could move forward
We have conversations while I get prepared, the environment is soemwhat cozy
Scene changes, now I’m climbing up the slope of Shiroyama to my elementary school that I went to through 1-2nd grade before I went to Singapore
Lush deep forest greens, rusted football ground frames, overall a bit ruin-ish but the kids are still around and the building itself very much indeed seem to have people in it
What’s different about this version of Shiroyama Elementary School is that they have a parking lot, beneath he elevated first floor of the building
I go in