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19 Aug 2024
I was on the street and I remember seeing my brother and a lady next to a car and feeling very uncomfortable and scared. I looked towards my brother and I remember seeing the lady and a man dressed in all dark clothing to conceal his identity shoot a gun and the bullet went through her head leaving her body limp and sliding down the front of her car. I was filled with extreme fear. Then I was oddly in my grandma’s white Lincoln and she was driving wearing some black outfit. She parked and took me with her to a front door of brown brick building with a black door and knocked. It was a funeral parlor and though she didn’t tell me I knew she was trying to schedule her death. No one answered. I could feel my heart beating through my chest and tears filling my eyes as I heard her continue to knock no one answered. I knew I didn’t want her to go in there and I didn’t want anything to do with all this loss. Everything went dark and I don’t know if my grandma ever walked into that building.
I was at my uncle mikes with my kids and they were talking about me and laughing. So I took the rest of the cookies from their Halloween party and left. My sister was with me walking. I remember led I needed dish soap and I stole one off of a janitors cart. I know there was some kind of panther or jaguar running around off the walls.
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I got a new job as a mechanic and was the only woman. I was wearing the jumpsuit at first then stopped. I left that job. Then was in Central Park and there was a row of different designer clothes and a long line to purchase them. A young boy was selling candy for his school or sports team. I bought a Heath Bar from him. A random man wanted to buy from the boy but the boy left. Then I was surrounded by rich billionaire wives and husbands. And interviews the wove of a young billionaire in their New York Brownstone. It had white interior.
I remember sitting in a circle speaking with an Orthodox Archbishop about welcoming queer people. For some reason, we were singing our responses to each other. The man said something that implied Christians outside Orthodoxy weren’t part of God’s Church, but I didn’t argue with him. The scene shifted to Trinity College Toronto, and I found myself greeting my friend Giacomo, who was preparing for a service that would reinstate him as an Orthodox priest. I accidentally called him Fr. Giacomo before the service, and he corrected me. (He was illegally deposed 20 years ago for coming out as gay to his bishop.)
me and my friend were driving home from work and then we slipped on ice and spun out of control into a ditch and then werent injured at all then me and my friends went to this weird gas station at night and these kids were in there wearing weird costumes and something just felt off and then we tried to leave but they followed us and took us to this barn and were trying to convince us that they weren’t gonna kill us but and i don’t know if they were gonna but i just had a really weird feeling about them then i tried to leave and i woke up
I was in my kitchen and I saw a bee and it kept coming near me like it was trying to get my attention but it didn't sting me. It just kept flying around me
I had a black and white cat and I was looking for a home. I found an abandoned one that was nice in good condition there was no locked doors most the doors here just curtains. I looked it up online and it was vacant and needed an owner so me and the cat moved in the cat always would run outside and chase squirrels whenever it wasn't right next me. I invited Anita over and we were hanging out. Johnny Garcia showed up tryna flirt with me (I'm still mad at him) But I let him walk with me to go meet up with Anita. We got Anita and went back to the house. And I started decorating and Anita and Johnny snook off. Then Anita came back alone. Then when Johnny came back people one by one started showing up and turned into a house party. Some how Mrs. Roger's seen the party and was yelling at everyone and threatened to call the cops while I hid in the bathroom pretending to pee and there was 2 girls and 1 dude in the shower hanging out. I was tryna keep the door closed but the door was just a curtain. Then people started leaving and so she left but she still was gonna call the cops so while everyone was leaving I was trying to take my decorations down ( it's weird because in real life every time I think I have a home and start decorating as soon as all my decorations go up I have to move and pack my stuff ) and my cat found me and Anita and Anita was gonna be my ride out of there but the old owners of the house came back and they seen me and Anita and they weren't even worried about us being there they were so nice and I told them that someone just called the cops on us for being there and they didn't seem worried and wrote us a note saying they allowed us to be there but Anita disappeared with that note when the owners came to tell us the cops were outside so I had no ride so the owners asked their friend to give me a ride in his van and that friend turned out to be Joseph from work. And when we got in the van to leave we ran into the mob of people that were part of the house party. And they blocked the way for us to leave so we were stuck then I woke up.
I was on a date with someone but I couldn't see his face. I could only see him from the waist down. We were waiting for the waiter to bring our food and talking. Then we heard gun shots. Everyone in the restaurant started running for the door. I'm halfway out the door when I hear a gunshot from behind me and I run back inside to see my brother had been shot and he was dead on the floor.
I had a dream I was pregnant and I was with mom and we got in a huge fight I don’t remember what about but some guy got me pregnant and I was like no way can I have this baby and then we were talking about getting an abortion and we were in line at some fast food restaurant and in front of us was one of moms coworkers and she was really nice but was saying her and her family are moving to Indiana. There was a lot more that happened I think but I can’t really remember it all
I was 16 years old again. It's like I was living in the past. I was walking along a road and I guess I had just ran away from home. This guy stop me and asked me to come live with him. I told him my age and he didn't seem to care. He took me to his house and went to open the garage door but for some reason it wouldn't open. Then I woke up.
I found myself standing next to my bed. And I looked down at the bed and saw myself sleeping. I looked towards my bedroom door and there was a shadow standing there. Then I woke up.
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