20 Aug 2024
In a dark red gothic room, lots of trinkets and vintage victorian furnitures
Curtains are pulled to the sides, light’s pouring into the room, white and cloudy
I can’t see the outside, but the place feels warm, there’s a fireplace
Being shown a golden goblet made of glass and the golden metal(i’m not sure what it exactly is) by a cloaked, mysterious figure; he looks black, Sub-Saharan, or maybe he’s just a black person from the Middle Eastern or surrounding Mediterranean region
Calm-seeming, sophisticated, ‘buzzcut’? coiled hair, beautiful brown eyes
Around me are ritualistic tools; bowl with fuming incense sticking out, pendulum, crystals, small cauldron, sigils, crystal towers on table
Lots of books; likely some kind of studies or office, if not a personal library
The afformentioned goblet is filled with red wine
“Watch closely” the figure says
He flips it over
The liquid stays inside, somehow defying gravity
Being explained the processes and significance of alchemy, me asking questions
Being asked about my resolve, being shown the visual magical representations of rudimentary concepts I’ve been learning irl
Alchemical process of refinement, methods, meanings of each actions, what it symbolizes
Somethingg about the Hanged Man
“You are in this place right now, my friend”
Being asked one last question
Hesitating to answer but feeling somewhat compelled to accept the invitation, like it’s something I need to do
Scene changes
A black TikToker I saw on the app
Rocking a baby daughter to sleep sitting on a couch sofa