2 Aug 2024
I had a dream that there were beds in rows and I was in the last row and this weird old guy was beside me, he stole my food, he was grumpy, and he was mean to my cat, but then the scene of the screen shifted and we were in a store of some sorts I was lookin at bracelets when the old man and some younger guy came in, everyone started fighting and I was protecting my younger sister, I think my step mom was there too, but the old man went after my sister and I hit him right on the head with a lamp and I grabbed my sister and kept her close to protect her then the scene shifted again and I was at my grams house with my aunt and uncle and I don’t know the other two but they were talking about something I couldn’t hear but then I noticed something off about my aunt heather.. she had short hair and we very skinny and was wearing sunglasses indoors, compared from her normal look were she has long hair and she’s fat, then I remember asking her “aunt heather why did you cut your hair” and she didn’t respond. The scene of the dream shifted again, we were in some creek and my sister was sitting with me in the very shallow water, then my stepmom,my dad, my aunt and her boyfriend, and her transgender daughter came and sat a picnic table a couple feet from the creek, he went down the creek and the farther we swam the more deep it got then when we swam back up the water was gone in the original spot just wet sand was left and then I woke up