24 Aug 2024
I was talking to Kim about no longer being committed to each other for just her and I, we were splitting up but remaining under one roof, having seperate rooms. She seemed to agree that things weren't working and that we had changed and agreed living under the one roof for the kids made sense. She made a comment about how I want a daughter so much that I could now go out and find a new woman to do that with, as Kim refuses to have another child. I was suprised. As news eventually got out that I was now single, I started getting asked by multiple women to meet for coffee dates, including old friends who I thought I was friendzoned with. As I explained the situation and living arrangements with each, they all seemed okay and really cool with it. I half expected to hear from Heather, but it was only early on in the time frame of being single. So I assumed she hadn't heard yet. Heather's ex, told me he's still having therapy for mental health after their split. And said the best thing to do is try to forget about her. I Said, more than anything I didn't care for her as a partner at this stage, as I missed her as a friend more.