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6 Jan 2025
I was in a hilly part of north London like Highgate or Crouch End. There was experimental dance workshop going on outside - a couple of people were being taught how to do it. My partner and I were supposed to go and teach a student. I noticed that the dance teacher was wearing a full body leotard and held two lycra bands. He gave us the two lycra bands but we didn’t have the leotard type lycra suits to wear. We were walking up the hill to the location of the lesson we were supposed to teach. My partner said it didn’t matter about the clothing as we had the lycra bands. I wasn’t so sure. As we travelled a blizzard of white debris was flying through the air and we had to navigate up the slight incline against it. It was like a snow storm and blocked our vision, but it was comprised of small thing pieces of wood or other small bits of debris white in colour. I managed to navigate this by changing the angle of my head and vision. At the top of the hill we turned right at a corner and we were almost at the dance lesson location. I was still concerned about what I was wearing but glad that I had the Lycra bands. The lesson did not start at the location. Instead I seemed to be changing into a dress which was in two connected parts - the top was like a shirt and the bottom a midi skirt with a slip and a gap at the back between the top and bottom. I was thinking I could just about manage teaching the dance which involved son acrobatic moves wearing it. I noticed a man was wearing the same shirt sitting in a group of people it was buttoned up low and open at the chest. I checked mine and it was also low buttoned but was missing the top buttons anyway which troubled me. The skirt was not quite right but I checked how it should be worn with the translucent slip slightly showing below the waist. I adjusted it and realised that it was slightly too big around the hips and the low waist but it would do for now. I made a mental note to alter it on the sewing machine when I got a chance later. I realised that I needed to use the toilet and was just about to use one of the public toilets when I saw someone from the past. It is someone who comes up in my dreams a few times each year. He was an old boyfriend of mine from when I was in my late 20’s and he was in his mid 40’s. We embraced and kissed. I forgot everything else and felt very connected and complete. It was a strong attraction and I felt totally at one with him. I remember stroking his clothes and feeling his body beneath the fabric. After this I can’t remember the sequence but we were standing apart and I noticed his appearance had changed but I still loved him. He was wearing make-up and his hair was different resembling an older woman. He said this was how he wanted to be now. I said that I liked how he was whatever he looked like and that I could see his cute face still. I touched his face and I knew that what I was saying was true. I felt a sense of honesty, connection and authenticity.
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