2 Feb 2025
My boyfriend and I were out driving and something happened to our car so we had to pull over in an unfamiliar neighborhood and find help. I decided to stop and ask for help at the little cabin like house we had pulled over in front of.
The house belonged to an old lady who seemed to be going blind as her eyes were foggy. She invited me in and started showing me all of the food she had been making. She then led me to her shed out back where things got creepy.
She had a huge pot of soup cooking in her dark shed that had a strong odor.
She grabbed a bowl and poured me a bowl of soup and when I looked down I saw a mouse jump out of my soup and a dead lizard sitting in the soup. We then made our way back to her little cabin and she had me sit at a little circular brown wooden table that sat beside a big open window. She waited behind me and kept trying to get me to eat the soup, she had a forceful demeanor. I started feeling very uncomfortable and like something wasn’t right.
Where I was sitting, there was a wooden door right behind me that she had left open, she stepped out back for a moment and that’s when I grabbed my phone and sent my boyfriend a voice memo quickly and quietly.
In the memo I said to him, “something is really wrong, I need you to come around back there is a door open I think this lady may be trying to poison me.”
He didn’t reply as more and more time went on I tried my best to have conversation with her to prevent me from having to eat the soup but the more time went on the more furious and impatient the old woman was becoming.
Out of nowhere abundance lights were seen and she was looking around. I took this as an opportunity to run out the back door and to my boyfriend’s car.
When I got to his car I saw the ambulance had come for him. He was passed out, when he passed out he hit his head so hard a dent was left in the steering wheel. The paramedics where pulling thick strings of snot and blood and other things out of his nose. I wasn’t allowed in the car while they worked on him and they weren’t even listening to me talk so I decided to run down the sidewalk as the lady was just standing there staring at me. She chased me as I ran. Eventually she had gotten in front of me and told me I was a stupid bitch and she was going to poison me.
Suddenly she dropped to the ground in front of my and was struggling to breath.
I started off “karma is a - “
Before I could finish my sentence the woman who was now known to be a witch snapped her fingers andmy mouth glued shut. I wasn’t able to speak.
Shortly after, she died there on the sidewalk.
I went back to my boyfriend and told him everything I tried showing him the voice memo I had sent him but it was a song, like I had recorded it in a studio I had no recollection of recording this and it was so strange that it was there and scary. Even creepier none of the messages I sent showed up either. Nothing showed up on his phone not even the memo. It was only on my phone but all the other messages and memos I had sent him while in there were gone like they were never sent.
It was scary because if something did happen to me in there, there would be no trace of me saying what was happening and who had done it.