23 Nov 2023
I was with some random dude in a wheelchair, that was my boyfriend. we were outside a store and it was dark and raining and there was a van. for some reason i knew who the people were but at the same time i didn’t, long story short i told my boyfriend i had to leave, and i was running away from the van. I went through some gates and I found a building. The inside was pink and trippy, but i wasn’t alone. turns out i fell into a trap and me, some random woman and also my best friend was kidnapped. This kidnapper in the van caught us and we were stuck at this building. The architecture of this Building was so strange and bright it looked like if it were in a painting, or movie. The strange part is that this Guy ( the kiddnaper) only kidnapped us Just to make a movie. Not a porn movie , but a Regular Movie that would be in theaters. He wanted us to make a movie of his taste and what He liked and we had months to work on His movie. he soon took us in a van and made us stay in a huge hotel with a beautiful pool and lobby, the strange part was people knew we were kidnapped but they never helped us, we would scream and beg for help but they ignored us. i even saw my Uncle and he looked at me as if he never seen me in his life. I found a phone and i tried to call my mom and i could feel myself panicking and getting anxious knowing i could get caught. My mom and dad answered but i couldn’t say much. One thing i did know was that we were in Chicago. My friend tried helping me figure out where we were at but then the phone died and i got cauht but the kidnappers assistant. The last thing i remember before waking up was begging and crying