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Dream Meanings – page 1530

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29 Nov 2023

Running away


I keep having like these two-part dreams where I don't fully remember everything, but I remember bits and pieces. So last night was one of those two-part dreams. The first part of the dream, I was with the guy that I'm currently talking to, and I keep thinking in my mind, the guy I currently love, and we were preparing for a move, to move and go somewhere, but we felt like we were, it felt like we had to rush out of there. We finally wanted to do something, and we had to rush to do it. I remember feeling rushed and a little anxious but hopeful that I was gonna be okay because I was with him and that we were handling it the best way we could. The second part of my dream, it was me and my two brothers, my siblings. It was kind of odd. It seemed like we were running from something dark, malevolent almost, in this castle-like setting. I remember seeing big windows and gray stone staircases, ledges with stones, and kind of just running around this castle that almost felt like a maze, while running away from this force. The strange thing was we weren't scared of the forest. We almost felt like it was a game. We definitely didn't want it to touch us. We knew if it found us or touched us, it was bad. But we weren't scared. We almost knew that we were going to win and that the forest had no chance. But still, made sure to run from it. And then I woke up.




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29 Nov 2023



I had a dream where I was at some sort of water park with my friends. I remember there were a lot of people and there were multiple pools. Most of the pools were full and were pretty big. I remember relaxing with my friends in a pool until they all went to go do something. I tried following one of them but I let them go and do their own thing. I also remember seeing someone I never think about in my dream and remember them saying something but I can’t remember it. After I remember ending up alone at one of the pools watching everyone else have fun and do their thing. This happened for a while until I decided to go to a water slide which had a huge line. Once I was there I decided to skip the line by climbing over everyone. As I was doing this I remember seeing my friends about to go down the slide.

29 Nov 2023



volvía a mi casa y mi roomie había invitado a mi ex a dormir, luego a él lo llamaban porque lo estaba buscando gente mala. la gente mala era un chico drogadicto que vivió en mi casa y su amigo, yo sentía que iban a venir pero no podía abrir los ojos ni moverme para decirle a mi roomie, esto pasaba por mucho tiempo h repetidamente hasta que pude abrirlos y decirles, entonces vi que ella y su hermana estaban preparadas para agarrar a el chico y su amigo. el amigo del chico estaba buscando un cuchillo y el chico que vivió conmigo plata, nosotros con luz los pudimos ir sacando de la casa. después en un campo con un espiral yo le enseñaba a la gente que la luz y oscuridad en realidad no existe, sino que todo lo malo del ser viene a nosotros por el poder (tanto económico como político) y eso nos arrastra a la oscuridad

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