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22 Nov 2023



Ho sognato di andare a casa di mia sorella con i miei genitori. Mi guardavo allo specchio e mia sorella notava che avevo un piercing dietro al collo. Si avvicinava con ago e filo e mi diceva di abbassare leggermente la testa, poi infilava l'ago al lato del mio collo e lo attraversava fino a farlo uscire dall'altro lato del collo. Io provavo un forte fastidio e sentivo il sangue in gola. Alzavo la testa e mi guardavo allo specchio aprendo la bocca e guardando il filo che aveva trapassato la gola sporco di sangue. Cominciavo a piangere sputando un po' di sangue e chiedendogli di togliere tutto.




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22 Nov 2023



I kind of remember my dream in parts. The first part, I remember my phone cracking and cracking a little bit more each time I did something, and my mother scolding me about it due to the fact I just had got it. The next little part, which I'm not sure if it's two dreams or one connected. _My partner in this had horses. With this huge house. The horses talked to me asking what could be in store for them when they leave their stall the one horse he was big and white and he was my girlfriend's favorite due to this he lived in the house he's very calm and collected never causing any trouble, but as everyone was asleep the horse counterparts came in ripping up carpet and destroying the house. By morning came all my girlfriend seen was her favorite horse and ripped up carpet everywhere she stopped very calmingly asking if he no longer wanted to be inside anymore the horse not being able to speak back had no response to this. I'm not sure if he got thrown outside or stayed in but the next part was still in the huge house it felt almost like a mansion. There was a huge storm thundering cutting the power everyone seemed a little stressed out. for some reason some of my classmates were there carrying stuff out quite busily. me myself felt very anxious not because of the storm but because of the amount of people I had to communicate myself with. Despite this I tried my best calming each person down holding their hands giving them hats to stay warm everything of the sort. Going back into the main area of the house was my mother yelling frantically telling us to pack a small bag of my stuff and go that we were heading west that we could not stay here. which would mean leaving my girlfriend behind. her also stressed out do to everything. I had to try to come her down with no oblige. I decided to listen to my mother and start to pack my stuff but stopped in my tracks knowing that I wanted to stay and that is all I remember!

22 Nov 2023



Nel sogno ero insieme alla mia famiglia ed eravamo in questo luogo dove dovevamo aprire delle porte e ci trovavamo in luoghi diversi. Ad un certo punto apro una porta e mi ritrovo in un corridoio di ghiaccio con porte, scale ecc tutte giacciate. Poi apro una porta nel corridoio e mi ritrovo in una piccola camera, tutta per me. C’era un letto azzurro con disegnate sopra delle nuvole e una lavatrice e molta roba di biancheria, ma su un lato del muro, c’era un ingresso di un manicomio. Decido di entrare e trovo un signore di circa 40 anni con la barba marrone. Mi dice di seguirlo e io lo faccio. Poi mi porta fuori dal posto dove c’era un campo verde, con un grosso fiume. Dall’altro lato del fiume c’è un Luna Park. Non mi ricordo le giostre che c’erano ma sono sicura che ci fosse un palo con legate delle mini barche arancioni di plastica e un grosso aggieggio, dove tu entravi e lui girava e ti faceva cadere in acqua. Poi noto che sulla giostra c’è mia sorella e mio padre. Io volevo raggiungerli ma non sapevo come siccome c’era il fiume. Poi vedo mia madre seduta sull’erba che legge un libro. Mi avvicino a lei e iniziamo a parlare. Poi vedo che c’è una barca che arrivava al Luna Park. Allora chiedo a mia madre se potevo salirci ma lei mi dice di no e che devo ancora esplorare il resto del posto.

22 Nov 2023



I am in a building. It almost feels like a police bureau or something shit. I am walking up the stairwell and happen to see a lady tied up on the flight above me. I see the guy who kidnapped her, and I hide until he's out of view again, or at least wouldn't see me as I move. I make my move. I walk towards the lady. The man sees me. He runs my way with a gun. He looks frantic. Somehow I wrestle him in a way that he shoots himself and falls off the stairwell onto the bottom floor. I rescue the lady and feel sort of bad about the dude. When I am on the ground floor, a giant dark entity slash creature charges at me. I don't know what it is or why it's trying to hurt me, but it tries to kill me. I find out that whatever I say to it becomes true. I start saying it's a bitch, an asshole, weak, and eventually I decide to take a different route. I say, "you are love". It dies and disappears.

22 Nov 2023



Otra vez. Bueno, volví a soñar con el chico que anteriormente me gustaba y esta vez fue raro, porque el amigo de este chico es el novio de una de mis amigas y esta amiga sabía que me gustaba el otro chico y bueno una vez hicimos una apuesta de que si ella le hablaba a su actusl novio yo le tenía que hablar al chico que me gustaba y bueno lo hicimos pero no pasó nada, ella estuvo con el chico pero yo no con el que me gustaba, y hoy volví a soñar con el otra vez después de mucho tiempo porque a mi ya me dejó de gustar lo que si fue un chico con el tuve mucho sentimiento me gustó casi todo el año y fue pero, volví a soñar con el. Soñé que hablaba con mi amiga y yo le preguntaba a ella si se había visto con su novio el fin de semana ella me decía que si y no se porque me empezaba a hablar del chico que me gustaba Y me decía cosas que representaban un claro rechazo del chico, hacia mí, como por ejemplo que me decía que los amigos del chico lo cargaban a él preguntándole cosas como ay ¿qué onda tu novia? Haciendo referencia a mí (que no somos nada) y que él le molestaba eso, les decía que dejarán de joderr con eso. U otra de las cosas que decía que el chico estaba con, se parecía que estaba con otra chica de su curso me parece y así.

22 Nov 2023



Ich bin schwanger und gebäre zwei Kinder. Das eine ist etwas größer als das andere und hat ein Gesicht das mir auf Anhieb unsympathisch ist. Bzw iwie bin ich enttäuscht als ich sein Gesicht sehe und denke mir Or nee. Als es mir auf den Bauch gesetzt wird, denke ich mir okay und was jetzt. Ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll. Aus dem Krankenhaus raus, wird es schnell groß, und ich habe kaum die Möglichkeit es kennenzulernen. Das andere ist noch ein Baby und mein Hoffnungsschimmer. Zuhause angekommen werde ich ängstlich, da ich mich selbst kaum organisiert bekomme und nun um zwei Kinder kümmern muss, für sie kochen muss und so. Ich frage mich ob Vegane Ernährung jetzt überhaupt noch in Ordnung ist und was die brauchen um am gesündesten zu wachsen undso.

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