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2 Jan 2024
Nuclear Holocaust/ Comet destroys Earth
I see my crush everyday at a distance staring at my best friend or she will be sitting quietly and i couldn't go to her and talk
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Well I'm in a relationship with this Indian guy and I just had the baby we go in to work as we work together in the dream at a trendy clothing/gadget store for young people. He is talking to me as we are setting up work. He treats me nicely and buys me everything. And then I made a comment about my breast and the then he says interesting I don't see anything wrong with them. And asks another male coworker his opinion. The female coworker stares with her mouth fixed in disapproval.
I was alone in my parents' kitchen. My teeth became really loose all at the same time, and then fell out. Then, they disappeared. Next thing I know, I'm levitating until my back is against the ceiling. Then the kitchen skews out of its proper scale and proportions, before I'm awaken by my alarm.
At home. Looking for my jacket but I can’t find it. Someone says it’s 40 below. I don’t know why we’re all going outside. I put on a beanie. Mom yells at me to hurry up. I go outside and it’s not even that cold out. In a house i recognize from a recurring dream. There’s 4 refrigerators. It’s haunted by an older woman spirit. She’s mad about something. She plays the records and she throws things. I try to cleanse the home but it doesn’t work. At someone’s house party with a natalie. The host is upset and trying to kick us out. I pee my pants.
I dreamt I was in a sweet shop choosing my favourites with my dad and brother. Then a plane came out of the sky and landed on the road outside for an emergency landing/crash
this dream i had tonight was in bits and pieces. i remember being in a big empty room but there were corridors. i remember looking down at myself. i could see a gold necklace on my neck. i didn’t have any feelings about it.
My Dad passed away in 2021. I had a dream we were unloading a trailer full of wood. As we were talking I told him "ya know I really miss you." He said I miss you too son and that it was nice to see me again. I asked how this was possible? I told him "you're not really here." He looked at me and said "No. I guess I'm not, am I?" I told him I love you with all my heart and he said the same back to me. I looked at him crying and asked "well can I have a hug?" He looked at me with so much love and affection and said "Oh mijo, of course you can." As we were hugging I woke up with my arms outstretched as if he was right in front of me. My face already covered in tears.
I was driving along an old road that went past one of my friend’s house. The road was all messed up. I kept trying to stop but the car seemed to be going fast so I tried the other petal and definitely sped up. I kept trying to push the petal but I kept getting shorter. I tried for the emergency brake but there was none. After I had finally got it to slow down we were stopped by officers but it was fine and we went about our day.
In the dream a friend, who I did not know, was berating me and telling me that I'm rude. She also mentioned that I make jokes at people's expenses, which is true.
I keep having reoccurring dreams about relapsing on alchohol. There is usually a friend in the dream, who I do not know, and I'm always attempting to go to the liquor store to buy liquor or beer.
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