Dream interpretation about Alarm, UFO, Bedroom, Mind, Bed, Face, Looking, Window, Confused, Going, outside, Guy
Um, I had a dream that I was laying in bed with a guy that I've just started seeing and I looked outside of his bedroom window and saw two UFOs. Um, the sight of them made me feel very uneasy, which is not something that's happened in dreams before around UFOs and then while I was looking at them I felt my brain zap and suddenly I was facing the guy in bed again, like looking out the window hadn't even happened and I remember feeling confused at that and a little bit scared and I looked out the window again and they were still there, two of them, and it happened again where I felt the zap in my brain and I was laying in bed facing the guy again. He was completely oblivious to everything that was happening, he was asleep, um, it was daylight outside and then I saw someone in the room and I felt really uneasy, I felt a little bit scared and then his phone started going off with an alarm which ripped me out of the dream.
Dream date:
20 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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