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21 Jan 2024
I dreamed about my ex doing bad things that hurt my feelings in the dream and cheated on me but I’m not with that person anymore I’m in a new relationship. Also everytime I have a nightmare about my ex they feel so real it’s like I’m almost there and it’s really happening where I wake up very very sad. Sometimes even crying in my sleep.
My brother hugged me and I looked over his shoulder to see 2 empty alcohol bottles when I looked at him he was his younger self and being nicer to me because he was drunk he told me to take a picture so that he could keep it when I looked through his phone it was a bunch of old photos of me
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I was raped and got pregnant because of it but then I kept the baby but the rapist kept trying to take the baby away from me
I had a dream that I was pregnant and I was sad crying about it.
I dreamed about my crush me and my partner helped me trying to do a backflip and after She tried it with her partner did it too then I wanted to individually do a side flip and was almost successful
It's very blurry and all I remember is being in this house and my mums partner having his hair growing back
I was dreaming that my nose was full of blackheads and all the blackheads were really big and falling out and it was very itchy.
I needed to find a new shelter and I was running from the cops.
Sex with boyfriend at wedding
I was flying and falling but I was a bird
My dad shot and killed my whole family while I ran away and hid.
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