29 Nov 2023
So despite only having a 3 year old son in real life, in this dream my son had a female twin. We seemed to be homeless, my friend Ana had a job in an office building and she invited us for lunch. When I entered the building everything was in a steady flow of working. Since I had trouble locating this buildings break room, I decided to go look for Ana in the floor she usually works in. But as I tried to enter the floor, a strange lady thought me and my twin children seemed suspicious?? And so she tried to kick me out. But I quickly decided to look for Ana, slowly pushing the woman back. I finally spotted Ana and I grabbed my twins and steadily ran to her. Oddly though, I left my children with her. As I was getting into the elevator, I somehow ended up on the roof of the building! I spotted a strange man wearing a suit and we started talking. It was so windy though, I had no idea what we were actually talking about! I glanced at the horizon and felt that a storm or a catastrophe was coming, so I headed back inside and grabbed the twins to head out. Suddenly when I got out on the first floor and was going to leave, all panic sorrounded the floor. Everyone was screaming about an apocalypse but when I looked outside the glass rotating doors, everything seemed fine. The sky was blue, the sun was out, the day seemed warm. I was confused why there was so much panic, and I was confused about the feeling of a storm that I had felt, even though everything seemed fine