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5 Feb 2024
I saw this dream 2 days ago. Basically I was at my school and I got detention and at detention I was sitting next to an character I have a crush on and we were talking and then I went out and I saw my friend and we went to do weed. And in my next break I also did weed that I took from my friend.
I dreamed about flying to denmark and meeting a shameless cast with my crush and we played in the show it was so GREAT and after we went to g’et ice cream
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I was smearing black eye shadow across my eyes with my fingers
So I remember my last dream was about me being in school, from what I can remember. I remember like gaining consciousness in the dream and understanding that I'm dreaming. So I was like in the bathroom of my school with a friend of mine and there was Eminem playing in the background and I remember vibing with my friend to Eminem and I was like really feeling it because hello its Eminem??. So yeah, and after that I remember my friend like leaving the bathroom and a teacher of mine coming up to me, she was like okay fuck grading and that she didn't want to grade students and was kind of strict. I remember like basically going out the window and onto the chimney and I was like watching my friends play from a high view, I don't know why, but after that I remember I was in a different place, like my home, and I was still listening to Eminem and I was kind of like saying the lyrics to my mom and she was like ok uhm and I just kind of appeared in my living room and Eminem was still playing lmao. However this time some little banana guys with no eyes started running towards me and damn they were fast. So I go out the window and just kind of see how High it was so I decided fuck it I'm gonna make a portal to shift realities. So I didn't really like the environment and I was anxious and needed to calm down in order for it to work. So I run downstairs in my sister's room and started like trying but in the middle of trying I felt my body being numb like my current reality body and I kind of wome up without really trying to change the dreams environment.
I dreamed that my mother's head grew a lump and something like a horn grew from her forehead
Two dreams tonight. The first one was I was sat at my childhood home. Watching black and white home video reels. My Dad, Granddad and great uncle were there. It looked like we were getting ready to move out. The second dream was two old friends were trying to hurt me. One punched me in the face a few times. I flew away. My flight is more like swimming the breast stroke. I push the air with my hands and fly higher. I was trying to get to the hospital for some reason.
I saw snake with 2-3 heads . It was drinking milk. I prayed him from distance
Me and my fiancée when to a gathering for my cousin at a place that resembled my cousin’s old house. Everything was going well until my cousin asked who’s house is this? To which most folks responded and said “your daddy’s” and this really upset my cousin. After that I ran to the bathroom to laugh and hide. I had ran into my other cousins and starting talking to them about what happened. Meanwhile my fiancée was trying to find me.
I was in a co driving and I got off the car next to a super U, then they were some motos playing with a drone and I also played with it and we teleported into an American mall and the security was trying to get the drone
In this dream a boy that I went to high school with was fixing something in a room in my child home. Back in high school i liked him and even asked him to dance with me nad he rejected meThe room changed into a commercial building of some kind. The boy from high school was flirting and smiling at me. I was confused because he previous rejected me. He jumped from the ceiling and proceeded to dance with me from behind. When it was for him to commit to relationship with me he disappeared. I was not surpised i expected it.
I dreamed about the girl i follow on social media again. This time we were friemds and she and he brother wanted to stay the night at my house. I went to high school with her brother. Her and her brother were in the bed together and bugs came out. She didnt wanna be friemd anymore amd i was very sad. I felt exposed. I cried. She looked at me like she was ashamed.
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