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5 Feb 2024
I was going under water with aquaman and then I and two other people got trapped and had to receive medical treatment. We all woke up in a fantasy village, and then we had an airship we rode on where evil pokemon were attacking us
I think I was in prison and this guy was supposed to be giving me a black futon but then he didn’t and it caused a bit of animosity between us
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I was having a threesome with this couple.
These aliens were making humans participate in a game show. It involved like racing and dress up. Eventually I won I think and I had to follow a specific red boardwalk wooden path to leave and at one point I saw a fat raccoon. And I guess I was supposed to follow a specific path because the person who was running the whole thing said I guess her monster accidentally got loose. I followed some old friends and ended up in this other concrete room and the game runner was an older blonde woman with frizzy hair. Some other girl was going off on her and she was holding a big blue duck vase and she smashed part of it before finding out I guess they were gifting her some new plant.
Surfing on the beach
People kept stealing my stuff at school specially boys from my school. There was a fight. I did volunteer hours and then I had a weirder dream about kidnapping a dog, though it was intially offered to me.
I was looking in a mirror putting on red lipstick. There is also jewelry on top of an armoire. My mom was in the dream. Another part of the dream, I am walking through a city by myself trying to find class. There was so much traffic and people. I felt lonely. I don’t really remember much else.
I was visited by what felt like friends and family. We were all gathered together, and they were getting ready to leave, and I was sending them off and Spend time with the two. twins who felt like relatives, and we said that we were going to definitely see each other again, and I would either visit them and try to get that arranged. It felt like we were in the mountains and I knew they were going to get on a plane. Everyone was dressed very nicely and had all their luggage, and it felt very warm and friendly.
I was working behind the scenes of a reality show and I had to use the bathroom really bad. When I went to the restroom some the urine wasn’t going in the toilet it came out on me like a water sprinkler.
I was traveling, and my frieend dropped me off to my hotel, but he was driving my other friends car The place was called the shrine. And the number of the room was 601. Today marks 6 months since my mother passed awat
I open my main door because I felt like something was at the door. I open it, to my surprise it was the monster demigorgan from stranger things and they start to jump on me and attack me and they went threw my living room like they were searching from something. Eventually they went to where my room is and they busted the door open and I was sleeping or a some body was and they started to attack them. I could feel what they felt the pain and the teeth of the monsters. Suddenly I woke up in a 4 by 4 room with a wooden ceiling with a door above my head and ther door was open. I could faintly hear monster noises and there were 2 stranger i didn't know they said to "hurry and close the gate" and so i did. Then i hard screams and the demi gorgens started to fall threw the wooden plate form that was there i stabbed them through the plate form with a stick that had spikes on the tip. They started to die and more alive ones kept falling the wieght got was too much to handle from the platform, so it ended up broken and in the mist of this there were other demingorgans coming from the front and they started to come for me on top od the ones thag were above my head. I killed both but i do not remember how but i was on top of the corpses and then i heard/felt some on the other side of tall wall. I climed it to my surprise, there was Gaint Door frame that was covered in bones and shulks of humans and i moved one of them i saw there. Our world perfectly fine. It felt like look through a window. Then I suddenly woke up and i was back i was standing in My room with the L.E.D lights turned green.
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