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25 Nov 2023



i had a dream about my grandma she was alive and told me i had to be carful that something in here was out to get me and for me to run and when i tried to run i ran into a closet where i seen a hidden door and it lead me to a back yard that looked like a forest and when i found my way back to the house my grandma told me it was still here and i couldnt escape from it that i have to keep hiding




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 Nov 2023



I haven’t been dreaming lately but yesterday I fell asleep and honestly these dreams are feeling a little bit to real I was dreaming about my ex in the dream I was rushed into the mental heath hospital because my mental heath and I was put in a room with teenagers of my age I stared talking to this one girl I can’t remember her face or name still but while me and her where talking I saw my ex in the door with the doctor coming in the room I quickly looked away and told my friend I saw my ex I forgot what she said boys where on one side girls on the other while me and my friend where going to our beds my ex saw me and I remember he made a joke I think and I said something sarcastic back by time I realized we both made the same meantal heath it Stared with an A I still don’t remember the name of the menatal heath we both where struggling with and why it baught us here it was honestly a magical place like the movie avatar that’s how it looked like outside I wish my mom didn’t wake me up tho because I wish I could of continued more to the story.

24 Nov 2023



I'm in a gorge with several people, not exactly sure who they are but I feel I know them. I cannot see their faces, perhaps that is because it is night out and the only light available are the stars in the sky. We stand in a wide open space surrounded by tall, rocky pillars naturally formed over the course of time. Beyond this space are cliff's spanning maybe 20 metres high and these cliffs circle us. There is an impending sense of doom upon us all as the ground begins to quake. Sonic booms knock us off our feet, winds pick up at extreme speeds, the sky seems to shake but it is not the sky, it is the planet. Red and blue blasts of light appear in the sky, the lights and stars begin to swing and the ground we stand on feels like it's flying through the sky. It feels this way because the Earth has been blown to pieces by something unknown, the velocity of the ground we lay on swinging through space crushes us down, others have been flung into space and I remain stuck in place unable to move. I can only look on at the red and blue blasts of light rushing past us, I can no longer hear, there is nothing left of the ground around me, the pillars, the cliff's, all I see is light zipping past me and I can't stop watching. I'm no longer scared, I'm amazed and incredibly curious of everything happening around me and I don't want the experience to stop, I want the moment to last forever. I realise I am dreaming and I choose to remain in the dream to see how far I can go, how much I can see, I'm frozen in amazement by everything I see until my sight fades. I am now awake and disappointed that I can not experience anymore of the dream.

24 Nov 2023

Falling in love


Me and my best friend Ana were starting college together. It was our first day, but I overslept!! She was already gone! I had no idea what class we were supposed to go to, or how we were meant to dress, so I just quickly grabbed the clothes that seemed the most common and ran. When I got there I was in awe, the place was huge! It was beautiful! I even went "Woow..." and did a whole turn to really look at the place. I saw some guys walking by and smiled to establish friendliness. I jogged up the stairs and hurried to find where Ana was, but next thing I know people are just exiting rooms! I thought "Oh no! I can't full on miss my first class on the first. Day!!" But people were already entering and I just ran to find my friend Ana. I quickly saw her enter another class and I bolted for it. I entered, and Ana seemed upset with me. Later in the day, I was lost in the building and Ana was gone again. Heading home with her own new friends. I was just walking around when I suddenly saw the classroom door of my first class which I missed was still open. I entered and the male teacher was still there. I decided to jokingly ask if I could try to do what everyone did, and he could consider that I was there after all! It was a joke but he agreed! And I regretted it because he was very cute... But I still did it despite the fact that for some reason it was a gym class. I struggled a bit but he helped me! I nearly fell in love! But thankfully, as soon as I finished I thanked him for letting me make up my absence and ran out the door. Then I saw the guys I waved at earlier. I followed them out, and saw Ana was still walking out. I looked around and saw a bunch of roller skates laying around a stone bench in the quad. The number of skates matched the number of people in Ana's friend group. I thought of asking if anyone would teach me, but suddenly I heard a groan. I turned and one of my new awkward friends was getting attacked by a huge guy! I hurried to help them, but all I did was draw attention to myself. They dropped my friend, and grabbed me instead. He said I was cute. He took me somewhere dark and started trying to rape me!! I looked at my new friend but he was literally just standing there frozen in fear. I sighed and just defended myself. Thankfully with a good kick I won and ran away as fast as I could. I finally arrived at the apartment me and Ana were living in together. Her mother and younger sister were living with us, too. The house was very cluttered. When I was telling Ana about the parts of my day she missed, I noticed I accidentally tore open one of her stuffed toys. I told her quickly I could repair it but she grabbed it from my hand and angrily said it was fine and that she'd do it herself! She did the stitches to wide, and I told her I could still fix it but she kept refusing me! So I went to play with her younger sister. A while later I saw a baby was just IN. THE FRIDGE?? I was so confused but the baby was okay. I quickly took it to the mom and just took a deep breath.

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