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5 Feb 2024
I was in a co driving and I got off the car next to a super U, then they were some motos playing with a drone and I also played with it and we teleported into an American mall and the security was trying to get the drone
In this dream a boy that I went to high school with was fixing something in a room in my child home. Back in high school i liked him and even asked him to dance with me nad he rejected meThe room changed into a commercial building of some kind. The boy from high school was flirting and smiling at me. I was confused because he previous rejected me. He jumped from the ceiling and proceeded to dance with me from behind. When it was for him to commit to relationship with me he disappeared. I was not surpised i expected it.
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I dreamed about the girl i follow on social media again. This time we were friemds and she and he brother wanted to stay the night at my house. I went to high school with her brother. Her and her brother were in the bed together and bugs came out. She didnt wanna be friemd anymore amd i was very sad. I felt exposed. I cried. She looked at me like she was ashamed.
I can't help but feel this dream was some type of sign or even answer to my prays and my hopes for many years. I dreamt I was waiting for two telemedical calls from two doctors regarding my chronic pain issues. One doctor said continue my current medication but one doctor was late calling. I randomly asked my mum who was in the dream with me, where the nearest pharmacy was to get advice. For some reason she said Greece so we went there. The pharmacist was really friendly and told me my issues where caused by being huntched over a screen. He then adjusted my back, showed me some back exercises and gave me a dose of mushrooms from a dropper and prescribed some saying "this will solve your chronic pain issues" he said this when I was being told the neurologist was busy and the other doctor hung up the phone on me!
I am at school. I am walking alone going up and down the stairs to different clases, going to the cafeteria, the math class. Then I go to the class where my classmates are at and join my friends.
I was asleep in my dream. I was in my actual house. I got up to use the restroom and peeked into the living room. There was a sofa bed that was let out in my living room. I do not own a sofa bed. I go ahead to the restroom and when I come out my cats has broken the carrier that I have separating them from the back of my house. The barrier that was broken was all over the floor but there were way more pieces to it than there were supposed to be. Then I woke up
My dream was almost a nightmare. In my dream, I was on a ship in Antarctica when I was supposed to be in the halfway house. I had not contacted them or let them know where I'm at. A lot of my dream I don't want to remember, and I've forgotten it over the day. When I got home, everybody was mad at me. My mom, my dad, my friends, and my little brother. My little brother had lost his mind while I was gone. He put Nair on top of his head and he was going bald. He had also aged quite a bit in years. He said this all happened to him because of something I did to him, but nobody would tell me what I did. Everyone was just mad at me and turned their heads away from me. Some people even tried to attack me. Some people asked me why I had did that. How could I do that? I felt like everybody thought I was an awful person.
It was weird how in real life my boyfriend couldn’t call me and I had a dream about it getting really sad that he couldn’t call me
The boy I liked and have been seeing was kissing someone else. The person they were kissing dropped them off while I was waiting by my car for him to come over because we had a date. It was night and right outside my apartment where I currently live. Before then I was driving around intricate highways at night having a hard time finding my way to where I needed to go. The roads were colossal in size compared to my car and some fog made it hard to see.
For the past couple of days I have been having a recurring dream of me wrecking the car. I’ve been wanting my liscense and feeling eager to learn how to drive. In these dreams, I am always with a grandparent and suddenly I’m going too fast and don’t use my breaks fast enough. This results in me crashing the car into someone else or entirely wrecking the car. It happens in different locations, but the end result is always the same.
A mini Elephant i believe.. it had a trunk and was flimsy.. color wise i’m thinking it was blue but i’m not fully sure.. only a flash..
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