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11 Feb 2024



People were trying to break in through my window and I knew I was dreaming so I kept trying to wake myself up just to the same people trying to break in and was screaming, I tried going to my parents' room to tell them but I couldn't say anything it wouldn't work, nothing would come out other than screams they didn't hear anything though




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11 Feb 2024



This dream occurred in my childhood home. I always have reoccurring dreams of my childhood home. The first part of my dream was me going into my grandmother on my mother side room. (in real life, this is my grandmother on my mother side, and my childhood home belongs to my grandfather on my dad side. My mother’s mother has never lived in that home.) my grandmother found out I went in her room and she was so upset with me. I told her I had to go in there for something important, and she didn’t care. Later on that day, there was a light skiing guy that was looking for my cousin, which is a girl. And we hid her and told him that we don’t know where she is. He ended up leaving. So later on that night, everyone was having a good time, and my cousin was sitting right next to me on this beige couch In the living room. all of a sudden, the guy comes back, and this time my cousin is in the living room sitting next to me, and she’s also standing up in the living room behind a table as well. It was two of her as if she had a twin in my dream. he walks over to the cousin that’s sitting next to me and punches her in the stomach. I helped my cousin as he walked around the sofa into the kitchen. Then he comes back into the living room, and now he has a gun holding it in her face. I grabbed my gun, And tried to pull the trigger, but it would not shoot. I tried twice. So my mind daydream of me pulling the trigger as he walked back further into the living room with his group of friends. Then my dreams switched to me riding in a black truck with my grandma and my cousin to go pick up my cousin son from school. On the way home, there was a conversation about my cousin being bullied at school, but I had on my earphones, so I wasn’t listening to the entire conversation. we pulled back up at my childhood home and park on the carport. as we were getting out of the black truck, my grandma was sayting that he’s getting bullied. my cousin denies it, and said no, he’s not. So when I heard it, my cousin was walking towards me, so we could open the door to go inside, and as we were doing that, I told her well sometimes your son is going to say that he’s not even bully when he really is and if he is, we want to make sure that we are doing the best we can for his mental health. once we went inside, I forgot that I left my purse outside. So I walked back outside, as I was walking to this small, all black car that resembles a Toyota Camry I noticed the neighbors across the street had their front door open and there was a man standing in the doorway. It was just a normal neighbor, not sure if he was talking to someone in his driveway or if he was just opening the door getting some fresh air. I open the front door of the car and grabbed my brown purse and that’s when I noticed there were two homemade cakes that I baked in the backseat and I was wondering how the cakes got outside so I open the back car door to pull the two cakes out to take them in the house. they look like strawberry cakes with pink or white icing and they had Froot Loops all around the cake. One of the cakes had been eaten, and I was kind of happy that people were eating the cake that I baked.

11 Feb 2024



Fue una pesadilla, al principio estaba en la escuela sentada en un clase, y sentía que todos me molestaban, los niños y los profesores no me miraban bien, así que hubo un momento en el que estallé con mi mejor amigo del salón y empecé a hablar enojada, después todos salieron de la clase y yo me quede en una esquina sentada llorando, ya que otro amigo me volvió a hacer una broma que no fue de buen gusto y todos mis buenos amigos ni si quiera se me acercaron, dijeron que yo era una llorona. Después tuve que ir con una maestra a decirle lo que me estaba pasando y ella me llevo a un salón vacío para explicarme lo que tenía, al principio me puso en la tele videos de terror donde mostraba a gente con pinchos en el estomago y dijo que eso tenía yo, eran videos que podía soportar pero me asuste y cuando se acabó la explicación fuimos a un lugar alto de la ciudad a ver el cielo de noche y yo le empecé a contar lo que sucedió y ella me abrazó, se sentía bien que me abrazara pero seguía asustada y mi voz cada vez se cortaba y no podía hablar. Luego de tranquilizarme un amigo que no me caía muy bien, me visitó en la escuela y dijo que el me podía ayudar a tranquilizarme y fuimos a caminar en las calles oscuras, creí que estaba bien porque el es alto y me podía proteger pero empezamos a ver cuerpos muertos en los botes de basura y me asuste mucho. Luego vimos como un señor agarró a otro que estaba en conflictos y empezó a matarlo con un hacha, intentamos correr de ahí pero parecía ser imposible y estábamos cerca del señor que hizo todo eso, así que tuvimos que escondernos pero mi amigo le hablo al señor y se enojo más, así que empezó a matar a mi amigo, y yo estaba escondida en la basura con mucho miedo viendo como lo mataban y a otra persona tambien, hasta que me vio un pie y quiso matarme tambien, pero del susto me desperté

11 Feb 2024



First it started of with me saying everyone draws differently. Then I see a well drawn drawing of a man then another drawing of the same man and another one (so 3 in total) of them same man, they all look different. First one was pretty normal and well drawn, 2nd one, the man had a big nose and for the 3rd I don’t remember too much… anyways, I don’t remember what happened after but I’m pretty sure there was a map shown and me and the man (that was drawn and by the way he had blond hair) that was drawn had to go to to like the bottom of Chili so basically in isla Gordon, but the thing is that one the map, it didn’t tell me the na,e of where we had to go but the man just pointed at it. He had to go there for a mission, I dont know what mission though. some time later, I asked this Asian lady if she could draw the man and then I ran in a black car and she went in with me. Then I started driving out of there and got out from the door( we were in a school) and these soldiers were chasing us. When we got outside, I drifted and stopped and the soldier all collided together and became like plastic then the Asian lady to the drivers seat and I don’t know where I went but I know she started driving the car. The car was speeding down a road then the car started flying in he air high high up in the clouds. Behind us, there were more soldiers and police chasing us on there flying car. That’s it, I woke up after this

11 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I was running through an apartment building naked. I saw my best friend and an unknown young lady standing next to her she was wearing a yellow shirt and waved at me smiling and was happy to see me. My best friend was happy to see me too! My best friend was wearing an expensive red petticoat - and a black suede jumpsuit and high heel boots. I asked her where should I go she directed me and told me to hurry up and go down to the second level of the building. There was an elderly couple and the elderly woman who ran the shop with her husband gave me faux denim Jean and a wool tan poncho sweater to wear out the building. Before I ran into the couples store I was hit with a bouquet of red roses that spilled all over my body. I ran out the building into a beautiful sunny day and said to myself thank God for those people they always dress me.

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