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9 Dec 2023



David and Ana are visiting us in Spain. Ana goes shopping for a CPAP. Comes back and I’m trying to help set it up. David is glued to the tv watching some lion show. We go out and David said Spain was different than he expected-poverty. Gretchen wants to go hiking but the ocean is nearby. David wants to go to an ATM but the machine is broken. We say we will meet him back at the house and go swimming in bay by the ocean




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

8 Dec 2023

Make Out


I was coming home from work and had to get ready for a weekend away. Everyone from church was coming. I greeted my kids and told them to get ready which we did. We then got in someone else's car and started to drive. The driver drove onto a type of buoyancy device which could make the car float in water. We began driving through some bushland for quite a while. We were dodging trees and the journey was very bumpy. We got to a beach and drove at a very high speed straight into the water where we floated because of the buoyancy device under the car. Once in the water we had to drive onto another buoyant platform. The platform was made out of steel mesh and tubing. I mentioned that we hit the water very fast and we all got wet. My hair was soaking wet. As we waited for the clearance to keep driving we got out and went to the beach. My hair was dripping. One of the girls walked up with a towel and started to dry my hair. All of a sudden she said, "You have head lice" I was confused and said "what do you mean? I don't have lice". She said, "yes you do and it's a bad issue, hopefully no one else has it". I saw some lice crawling on her shirt and said "well you got it", as I pick them off the front of her shirt. We went for a walk to see if we could find a chemist to get something to treat it from. Along the way I saw a pile of beach towels and as I had forgotten mine, I thought about taking one. However, I told myself that would be wrong as someone would be coming back for their towels. There was a lot of people walking around through the beach and when we turned left, we saw a park with a drinks stand and a large store behind it. At first I thought it was a Chemist Warehouse but it turned out to be a different store selling various holiday items. When we first walked in, there was a display rack and it had metal head lice combs on it in the shape of animals. There was a monkey, a cat, a dog, and a unicorn. I chose the unicorn comb. We went to leave but couldn't find where to pay. As we were about to walk out to go to the truck outside and see if that's where we paid, I heard the ding of a cash register and a woman yelled pay cash over here. I said "oh goodness thank you. We were going to look for the truck to pay at."

8 Dec 2023



I was on an unknown train with my oldest sister arriving somewhere it made a stop and we both got off when we both got off we were in front of a tall man and a top hat who was standing in front of two paintings one painting of my grandmother and the other painting was of an umbrella the man said that if you click the umbrella you'll be able to fly and so that's what I did as I clicked the umbrella a ledge opened up and I jumped off of it and instantly an umbrella came inside of my hand and I started hovering over the town to go towards my grandmother's house my sister clicked the painting of my grandmother and it summoned a train to take her home when I got there I got there first and so I saw my brother middle sibling on the porch I tried to wave and say hi no matter how loud I screamed he didn't pay attention to me and so my oldest sister arrived next and my brother said where is she meaning where was I even though I was standing right in front of them I waved and tried to get their attention I started to feel heartbroken that nobody paid attention to be and then my oldest sister said she should have been here before me before they both turned around and left I had touched my brother's shoulder and all he did was jump and turn around and said did you feel that they both Shrugged and went inside the building I sat there on the porch crying and then I woke up

8 Dec 2023



My friend Brooke and I were in a cave. I had my baby with me. So small and helpless. There were beautiful crystals. There was a secret spot where a hatch could open but no one could open it. Brooke and I were able to Crack the code needed to open it and we were given crystals. Then we had to go to a wedding. The hall was beautiful. There was a computer screen where you could register and purchase gifts for the couple. We gifted them 2 dozen chicks. Which we thought was a funny gift yet a great gift. There was a man there, watching us. Almost like he was guarding us or There to protect us. Next we were on a beautiful ship. Still Brooke, my baby, and myself. Vampires were after us but we were supposed to be safe on this ship. We were on our deck and could see a beautiful beach. A lady approached us, we knew she was a vampire. We started screaming for the man, I think he was John. We were screaming for him to help us. I was trying to protect my baby and my friend. I was bitten. There was a fight. I fell asleep. I woke up confused in the dream. Called for my friend. She said I would be alright. But John was hiding a secret. I ran to his room and pushed through the doors. The vampire was his wife, why was he married to her. How could we trust him. John said he was in love with my friend and would not let anything happen to us. I remember John taking my baby to protect her and thing falling on him while he was holding her. I screamed. He came back out from all the fallen debris but no longer had her in his arms. We all scrambled, digging trying to find my baby and we found her submerged in icy water. I clutched her to me sobbing trying to warm her, begging her to breathe. Then I woke up

7 Dec 2023



I was with my best friend Maicee, we were in a huge house at some kind of party. The tables with food were by the stairs so we made a long line that made its way up the stairs. I saw a girl that I hate from school and she waved at me. I think my mom was there. Maicee and I walked to the top of the stairs to an open hallway and slid down a slide to a bedroom door but then the house disappeared. The next thing I remember is being at the front of a line of people and there were these colorful dots on the floor with sun shining in certain spots. Apparently we were all blind and I could only see if I walked in the sunshine. The girl behind me could only see if she touched me. But she fell and couldn’t get hold of me in time and died. Her body got sucked up through the ceiling and sucked back down into a letter that turned black and I could tell her soul was trapped in it. The next was a tall beautiful girl with long legs, she was bare foot, wearing a pretty pink and lined dress, and she had long blonde hair. She was in the sky on a swing that was just floating. She wasn’t swinging she was just sitting and there was either a bird or some kind of object that was talking to her. It may have been a letter like and envelope or something like that. It was pink and had wings and was flying around her in circles saying it was her mother and that she loved her. The girl said she loved her mother too. But the mother said the girl betrayed her and cut the strings on the swing and the girl fell into another letter. Then I woke up.

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