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Dream Meanings – page 1219

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22 Feb 2024



I dreamed about an old friend of mine's, me and her are no longer friends. We were in an unfamiliar apartment building. But I seemed to have lived there. She was coming over to visit and stay the night. She had a over night bag with her. She was also pregnant. As we arrived to this building, a weird, creepy man was at the door and ask him if he could go to the park with us tomorrow. But we never mentioned that we were going to the park. He asked for my phone number. Later that day, he continued to pop up to the apartment that we were staying at. He was stalking me. He kept giving me compliments and put emphasis on how beautiful I was.

22 Feb 2024



I dreamed there was this tall, younger guy, and he wasn’t terribly good looking, maybe average. He came into my house where I live with my sister and my niece. I don’t recall how he got into the house in the first place, but we suspected he was trying to use us in order to get to my daughter. My sister and my niece were impervious to his advances, but for some reason, I didn’t resist, and I let him touch me in a sexual way on my breasts, even though I knew he was using me for the wrong reasons. It felt like real life, where I should be more careful who I get entangled with in relationships, but I just went ahead and jumped in anyway because of the physical element. I was very promiscuous for about 20 years of my life; so, seeing this in the dream was not really that strange. even though I knew what he was up to, I wanted so badly to feel that physical pleasure, I let him touch my bare breasts. My sister and my niece came into the room and got him out of the house. As they were making him leave, he hit on my sister too, but she ignored his advances easily; after he left, my sister was calling someone. I don’t remember the details of that, but I think she was making sure we reported him.




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22 Feb 2024



I was a young teen in hospotal/rehab type facility. There were probably 16-20 girls in 1 room. Similar to a hotel room. Beds lined both walls bathroom at the end. The head boards of our beds were pickup truck windshields and front clip of trucks. Every morning there would be a letter written on each windshield. Each letter meant something. The only letter I can remember the meaning to is the letter V. V meant the Devil was after you and he was close. I was terrified and started running. I saw someone in the hallway. I don't remember if it was a man or woman but they told me to go left down the hallway and get on the elevator. Go to the top floor. Go right when I got off of the elevator. Go all the way to the end and the lord would be there to save me. I followed the instructions. When the elevator doors opened at the top floor it was the nursery. I saw several babies thru the glass but no adults. In fact the only adult at all was the one that gave me the directions. I ran down the hallway and saw a bright light. I could see the silhouette of a person but couldn't see their face. It had on a long white glowing gown and was so bright it made me squint and hurt my eyes. As I got closer he opened his arms and I ran straight into them. He wrapped his arms and robe around me and I wasnt scared anymore and I woke up. I had that dream when I was 17. I'm now 46and I remember it in great detail like I dreamt it this morning. I have only forgotten small details like the meaning of other letters and if the person in the hallway was male or female. The rest I'll probably never forget. V meant the devil was close. In the Bible V means victory. I didn't know that then. I don't know if there's any connection there.

22 Feb 2024



My dream was that me, I think Paul and Abbey were going to the park and we stopped off at a charity shop on the way there. And they had some really good stuff, they had some AFC Bournemouth stuff that I wanted to buy and then we found a bag I thought Abbey would really like and we opened it and it had her name in and some of her stuff in from when she was a child and we figured out it was actually hers from when she was little and we couldn't figure out how it got there. Anyway, we were going to get the stuff and then we left the shop and we walked down the street to go to the park and as we got to the park there was a massive dog there, a massive sheep dog running about that didn't seem to have an owner and we were like, oh that's weird. So we walked in the park further and there was another little dog and that was running around as well and I was like, oh I wonder what's happened to their owners? There was nobody else around. There was a little shop in the middle of the park and we went in there and we mentioned to the people in there about the dogs and they came out and they had a look and they said, oh we don't know who they belong to.

22 Feb 2024



I was visiting my aunt to play with her cats... My favorite cat named Charly got hit by a car and got an operation. He had a long wound from his snoot back to his hind leg. While cuddling with him i noticed that some stitches popped and half of his skin on his face was hanging down and i could see inide of him. I could see how his eyeball moved around in his skull and how his heart and lungs worked... Next to me was my ex-boss Karin (the name fits spot on btw) and i told her we need to go to the vet and fix him up again... She took her time to get up and as we were walking to the fromg gate she started to talk with the neighbor about god and the world... I was so frustrated and told her to hurry again but she just kept telling me to wait a second and I don't know what... I felt so bad for the cat and wanted to cry. When she finished talking she realized that she forgot her keys in the kitchen and walked back inside the house... When it was just me and Charly i noticed other familiar cats and that charlie was already leaving everything hanging and doesn't move anymore. I realized quickly that the other cats that seemed so familiar were my aunts former cat's Jacky, Garfield and Boobie (yes. I'm serious, that was his name). i carefully put charly down and pat the black and white cat, Jacky. He used to be my favorite as a child, because he looked like he had a black upside down heart on his nose. As soon as i touched Jacky, Charly stood up and i knew exactly what was going on... Charly died and the other cats came to take him with them. If course i was sad that charly died but i was happy to see the others again...

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