30 Mar 2024
My step dad was diagnosed with a High blood pressure problem, similar to my real life diagnosis. He was very worried about having a sudden stroke or heart attack. I told that i felt that same fear when i was initially diagnosed and it plunged me into a depression that i am still in. In my waking life, my step dad passed away about 20 years ago. In the dream i started to have a real fear that he was going to suddenly die. The house we were in was unfamiliar, but it was delapidated with damage. Particularly the outside. I kept wqntinh to sit down and tell him thst i thought he was a tough but good dad for me, to make sure he knew, but i felt lile i would need a strong dose of alcohol to get it out, and i couldnt seem to get that. In the yard outside was some event that i was unsure of. Mostly younger people, maybe late high school or early 20s. I went outside, it was hot so i was trying to find a shade spot to sit, and i sat down and was overwhelmed by emotion and started crying. I thonk out of both fear and frustration, and i couldnt keep it quiet so it drew attention. After returning to the house, it was decided that the event was over, sobit was time to ckeam uo the yard. Concerned about my step dad laboring too much i went out to try to help and minimize his work. At first it appeared to be just taking down strings of lights, but looking around it appeared that there were these large metal structures everywhere. The kind that we could not take down.