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7 Feb 2024

New Job


I lived right next to a subway station underground me and my mom live there. We were extremely poor. We had this really old couch, but it looks like the one that we have now and it was haunted or possessed. I just remember I kept seeing this entity and my mom thought I was going crazy because I was the only one seeing this thing. I don’t remember much of what happened in the stream, but I do remember the entity repeatedly trying to possess me and attach itself to me. I remember the entity, saying it had a sister that it was trying to help. But I didn’t believe a thing the entity was saying because it was trying to possess me for its own good. This entity looks like one of those really scary nuns out of those horror movies. It really freaked me out I almost thought it was real for a second. I remember holding something that one of the entities was possessing and I grabbed my evil eye looked at it for a second had the evil eye pointed away, and when I felt like the entity was looking away, I grabbed its attention “hey! you missed something”. And when I felt that it was looking back, I turned my evil eye to make it face the object the entity was possessing then I said “gotcha bitch”. I remember holding the possessed object and feeling it shake violently. I tried my best to hold it still so the evil eye could do its thing, but I did manage to get it to work. Once the entities were gone, I disposed properly of the evil eye knowing that its job was also done I think I might’ve buried it somewhere but I don’t remember where, I remember coming back home and my mom was saying saying she was really worried about me because I was gone for so long but I was there the entire time which made me confused, but she was happy that I got rid of the negative entities out of the house. I told her she should get rid of her couch, so nothing like that happens again because I knew that couch was causing something it was like a portal, and she hesitated at first, but she knew it was the right thing to do so she decided she was going to get a new couch the following week with what money she had left. I remember going to bed and hearing my mom in the other room saying “I can’t believe I have to get a new couch. It’s going to be so expensive“. Then I remember flopping in my bed and falling asleep. when I woke up, I woke up in the waking world.

7 Feb 2024



The last few days I’ve had two dreams about this woman and older guy. It’s the same people every time in the stream but it’s me my mom a couple of other people I’ve never seen before, and the older man and woman. men and woman aren’t together in any sort of way like they’re not in relationship or some sort of family together but they’re just there with us. The older man had cancer at one point in time and he’s just now winning his battle with it, but the woman she is at the end of her battle, so she is on her final days, I remember my mom talking to the man congratulating him for beating cancer, and everyone else was just ignoring the poor woman. So both dreams felt really bad for her so I decided to talk to her and comfort her. She looked a lot like my Nana she passed away from lung cancer. I think it was lung or breast cancer, one of them. but anyways this woman she was bald obviously and she was wearing a long scarf around her head and neck to cover her head and I just remember her really sad. The McDonald’s we were in looked a lot like the one from a bpa competition we had a year ago and it kind of looked like we were sitting at that exact same table. The table was long and it had short barstools on it the very end of the table there was a boy across from me the man was sitting there beside me to my left, was the woman that I’m talking to and beside that woman, my mom was sitting there. I forgot to mention the woman was wearing a hot pink scarf around her head and neck, so I’m assuming it was definitely breast cancer she had her clothes looked like old and ragged like she was poor, or homeless. The man that was sitting across from me the one who just beat his cancer he was wearing, a suit a black suit look like he was going to a business deal. I don’t remember what anyone was saying in those dreams, but I do know the main focus was that old man and everyone was just ignoring that poor woman it was almost like we were talking to life and death. I remember that energy in the room, feeling very heavy and a little tense but I think that’s only because the conversations were about cancer, practically life and death.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

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7 Feb 2024



I remember being in a car on a trip with my brother. We were driving to look at places for me to stay. There was a long bridge over a wide river we had to cross. To the left of us was a cargo ship launching dock and the ships were so massive it was cool but intimidating to drive by. We finally arrived at the house we were going to look at. The position of the house was at the top of a big hill that overlooked the water. It was a modern looking house, very boxy, but sleek and elegant inside. The bathroom was gorgeous. The bathtub was in front of a larger circle window that looked out to the water below. After we looked around and I was satisfied with the house, my brother and I went back to our grandparent's house. Once there I went for a swim in their pool. I hadn't swam in years but the cool clear water was calling to me. It felt very nice. I started in the deep end, dove under the water, and swam to the shallow end. As i breached the surface my anunt and grandma started asking about our trip and what i thought of the house. I said something along the lines of "it was cool". I dont remember much of what else we said but I woke up after that.

7 Feb 2024



I had as dream where I went to the beach with my family. It was me , my mom and my brother. My dad came too from a my home country. My mom and my dad were divorce but they were talking really well in my dream. My friends that I meet in this foreign land came as well. They are forgeigners like me to .It was 3 friends and there family. All my friends were boys . So I had a little crush on one of them .it been so long since I saw him and my friends and they're family. So we set up our our umbrellas and got under the shade . I put on my swim suit and played with my best friend Caleb in the sand . I went over to talk to him but seemed to ignore me the whole day I was eating food he was looking at me I gave a smile and we locked eye contact he smiled backed and couldn't look away . I could tell he was blushing. We couldn't do anything about our families were there I couldn't not find one of my friends but his family came

7 Feb 2024



I was in school with some of my old peers. They were apologizing for not helping me when I was being bullied. At that time in the dream, we were all in the gym. Later someone alerts us that someone is coming so we all bolt out of the school as fast as we can and try to remain hidden. I run across the street and hide behind a grey house that looks like it was abandoned. I see like a wall kind of thing with wooden planks kinda piled on each other. I jump over a fence and land on the opposite side in a field. Everyone who wasn’t caught follows me and we end up in an empty field and start talking. They eventually lead me to an abandoned site where they claim it was an old mill. Some of them had to use one of those lift those things that has a hook to hold and move heavy objects in order to get to a spot to activate an elevator kind of thing so we all could get to the destination. I was led to a large table where we all had a discussion. It seemed of great importance to them for me to remember the abandoned mill specifically in Minneapolis among I don’t know how many mills in the area

7 Feb 2024



Last night, I dreamt I was apart of the Ghost Adventures team. We were investigating a haunting of an isolated house down an isolated and untraveled road which was surrounded by trees. One of the members of the team asked another member to grab something and said team member didn’t grab it though, I did. I quickly moved up in the “ranking” of the team, gaining respect of the team leader. The leader of the team assigned me and another team member to investigate a different haunting, states away. This required us to stay at a hotel. The hotel felt more like a apartment living. The other team member and I shared the “apartment style” living quarters. Strange occurrences and / or haunting’s began to happen within the apartment. The other person called his wife and suggested I call my fiancé. I picked up the phone and dialed my fiancé but I was teleported to a different house where my two sisters, their husbands, and children lived. I was absolutely famished for some reason so my sister gave me a burger and fries to eat. My middle niece, Kayla, entered the room and said she was hungry so I gave her my burger and fries to eat and told her “it’s okay, I’m not that hungry anyways”. Then, my oldest niece, Autumn, was forced by my sister, her aunt, to go to McDonald’s and grab me another meal. Autumn reluctantly obeyed and when she came back, she was driving a semi truck. The house I was teleported to was raised above the ground being supported by very think and tall boards. There were different levels to this house but you had to climb and swing on ropes to get to the other floors. The entrance to this house was in the very middle level, forcing you to climb very high and walk on a tight rope kind of netting to enter. The dream ended there.

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