14 Apr 2024
I went to college to take a lecture. I didn't go to the lecture with Lotte because I had an argument with her. When I arrived in the building I saw Roos and Hanna, I hadn't seen them in a long time so we went to catch up and that was very nice. Then we went into the lecture together. I saw Lotte and Marijn sitting, and Lotte shouted that we were not allowed to sit next to her. So I sat at the back with Roos and Hanna, and we sat with the exchange students. They all wore green and yellow clothes because they came from Brazil. I forgot they were there too so I accidentally wore yellow and green clothes too and I found that very embarrassing. After the lecture I went to the next lesson and that was a clay lesson. It was the first lesson of the course and it went well and was great fun. A week later I had the second lesson of the course. During that lesson we had to sit at different tables and we were all given different assignments. I had to make something with my hands from a block of clay, and you had to combine it with an existing object. I chose to make a kind of corset and put it around a mannequin. I was really pressed for time and I saw that the rest of the class had already finished. Amrith, who is actually my boss, suddenly became my clay teacher and he came to me. When he saw what my design was, he said "are you really going to make a corset?" in a very judgmental tone. And he acted like my plan was really bad. It was then 4:50 PM and Amrith said I had until 5:00 PM to finish it. Then I finally finished my clay and started finishing it with fur. I was going to wrap the fur around the corset to make it look like a coat. I also wanted to paint the clay, but the problem was that all the parts and materials were on the other side of the classroom. So I was constantly running back and forth. Then suddenly it was 6:45 PM and no one had told me it was that much later. I still hadn't finished my project at that time.