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16 Apr 2024
I dreamt that I was working in the restaurant I used to work in, every body was so happy to see me again. I was feeling dizzy and high and then I noticed that I my phone has been hacked by a virus or a hacker, there were some disturbing videos on my screen and it didn’t want to go away. While I was looking at my phone, I was lying on my friend’s lap, and she was conforting me while I wanted to tell her that she looked hot and fat. When I woke I didn’t know what was reality anymore
I was dreaming that I was with a young man from my past. I was seeing him when I was not suppose to be because I am married and I didn’t like this, but he kept using different types of mind control to force me to stay with him longer. Sometimes he could even scare me or cause pysichal pain to try and make me change my mind. At some point there was school shooting and I was running away looking for an old friend but she is the only person who has died- her name was spelled incorrectly. People were all screaming at me as they ran by and everyone was trying to tell me what to do.
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I was dreaming that I was at a Donald Trump rally speech and he turned into a kitty cat. He was just going in the speech and then all of a sudden he started meowing. And then he became a lot nicer and started rubbing up against people's legs and started purring. He said he wanted to make America great again for all kitty cats.
I dreamed I was being delivered from demons during an apocalypse I was twitching and spasing on the floor but someone was delivering me then the demons spoke from my mouth and I said legion we are one for I am legion after some time the demons Finally left my body and I was truly delivered I couldn't see who was helping me I just remember being shocked that my body gotten taken over I was relieved to get it back
I was sat next to my ex best friend in a hall on a bench. We kept looking at each other and eventually she made the first move and spoke to me. It took her a while to get her words out. She asked how I was, and I asked the same of her. Afterwards, we got chatting more and she came to join me in a few of my classes and we had rekindled things again. It felt nice.
This was about, like, two instances of video game, something like strategy and team management. in the first one I controlled a starship and we had to take out other starships like something like Star Wars maybe I don't know if we hijacked it or something but you could also take out other bigger starships than the others and you could like board them you build your team first like select which type of soldiers would you want and then equip them with stuff that you took from the starships that you took you know like resources and stuff and craft them and then somehow another starship stole our engine source or something like that and we crashed to the earth and then the game like shifted from Star Wars to like I don't know 70s alien invasion earth like CIA army And then we had missions all over the earth. We had to also build like an army and then board trains like high-speed trains, armored trains to Siberia, going through the Arctic to Europe and basically fight the aliens each section. While also at the same time crafting new things, getting resources and equipping new soldiers with those said resources to get a bigger army to fight bigger alien armies.
Last night I dreamt I was in a mall, going to a cinema. In order to go to the film, theater goers had to walk through a tank containing a shark. In my dream I was apprehensive, until a young boy showed me that the shark was ill and couldn't see. I suddenly went from being scared of the shark to feeling sorry for it and wanting to help it.
Same as usual, in my mums house and all of a sudden it tips over swallowing my family! I manage to get my mum and one sister out but my other sister gets buried under the mud, we are frantically trying to dig her out but can't seem to find her, I really wish these nightmares would stop as theyre disturbing me
I was in the parking lot at my job. It was early in the evening. There were a bunch of gray tabby cats that looked adorable. I went down to scratch them but when I put my hand down there they turned into snakes! They wrapped around my arms and starting biting me! I looked at the back of their heads and saw ball points which indicated they were venemous
I was coughing and choking. I remember my brother was standing in front of me. I fell to my knees and quickly crawled to a nearby metal bucket I thought it was weird that my legs didn’t hurt. But I then proceeded to vomit blood and bone. And then I sat back and just shrugged.
I was leaving an event with my sister and we took separate cars and I was driving on the expressway and everything got dark I couldn't see where I was going I tried to open my eyes blink blink blink rub my eyes and I still couldn't see I was texting everyone that I knew that was in the area and my mom and my best friend and I was freaking out because I couldn't see and I was able to have my vision come back and forth back and forth back and forth and I was sitting in a parking lot freaking out because my vision was gone
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