Liana, your dream about everything being covered in lava with snakes outside your apartment sounds quite intense and vivid. The imagery of lava in a dream can symbolize a powerful transformation or the eruption of repressed emotions. It could reflect some heated emotions or situations in your waking life that feel all-consuming or overwhelming. The presence of snakes, which are often symbols of fear, wisdom, or transformation, could suggest that there are underlying fears or changes you're facing, perhaps challenges you perceive in your environment that are close to home or personal space.
Connecting this to your previous dreams, there is a recurring theme of significant life changes and facing fears. For example, your dream of being on a ship facing a massive wave, and another where you dive into the wave and swim out, indicates a pattern of confronting and navigating through challenging emotions or situations. The snakes outside your apartment could be a continuation of this theme, representing the obstacles or threats you feel are looming just outside your safe space.
In other dreams, such as the one about your health and the journey you're embarking on, it appears you're in a phase of personal growth and transformation. The imagery of religious figures and the sign of the cross suggests a search for guidance or a connection to your spirituality as you navigate through life's transitions. The contrasting serene vision of a desired house with your child, and the beautiful sunset, indicates a longing for stability and peace amidst the chaos.
It's also worth noting the dreams that involve elements of the past, such as the one with your mother and a voice of a past singer. This might reflect a process of reconciliation with past experiences or a yearning for the comfort and familiarity of what has been.
Combining these insights, it appears your subconscious is actively processing your emotions and experiences related to personal transformation, challenges, and perhaps a search for peace and stability. The snakes and lava might represent the barriers or intense changes you're currently facing or anticipating. Yet, amidst these challenges, your dreams also show an ability to respond and adapt, as seen when you swam through the wave, indicating resilience and inner strength.
While dreams are a deeply personal experience, it's clear that you're undergoing a period of significant change, which can be as unsettling as it is transformative. The recurring elements in your dreams point to a journey of navigating through life's upheavals with a sense of spiritual seeking and personal growth.