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9 Apr 2024



My dream started off with a girl I knew from high school named jade being at the same gym as me online so I texted her to say hello, she responded back Saying hello as well. Then my partner kyzah and I went to the shops and we bumped into jade again I said hey anxiously and she said it back. Then kyzah was sitting down on a couch which seemed like her house and I was standing up, she was leaning over kyzah provacatively and cuddling into him and he was stroking her back gently. I got so annoyed and angry and remeber yelling at her that she has a partner and a child. Then we were all out the front of the house and me and jade were fighting we left her and then I got angry at kyzah for not doing anything.




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9 Apr 2024



I was on a yacht with Pooja, her mother and brother. Pooja's mother had made a sexy video in Dubai for her husband. It was a very chic video on the yacht. The yacht had all glass walls and was silent in the middle of the water. Pooja's mother wore an all-white outfit. Then Pooja's brother stood near an air purification tunnel at the tip of the yacht and was sucked into the tunnel. This took him into the sea. Then suddenly I was in the jungle with Pooja and Pooja's father. We had jetpacks so we could fly through the jungle. Then I suddenly went on holiday in a house with Cindy, Melanie, Mandy, Pooja, Esther, Esther's mother and Cindy's two fathers. I shared a car with Cindy. At that time, there were people who had deeds drawn up at the notary and Cindy and I had to pick them up at the Chamber of Commerce. Then we ran through an old building and had to block off the open doors with cardboard planks. Then we were in the holiday home and Cindy made satay sauce from meatballs and tomato sauce. Esther's mother thought that was very strange. Cindy's fathers really liked the notary's deeds. Esther was happy that I was there. Cindy and I slept in the room together but we ended up chatting and smoking all night and didn't sleep. The next day everyone left the holiday home. Melanie, Mandy and Cindy stayed behind to rest. Melanie wanted to sleep together with Cindy and Mandy, but the two really didn't want that because they wanted to sleep quietly alone.

9 Apr 2024



I walked with Mounya in Zwanenburg. We walked past the Sloterplas, a lake that suddenly was also in Zwanenburg. It looked like there was a homeless person hiding in the bushes, but it was a jar filled with cheese sauce. Mounya told about a farmer who worked near her work who often accidentally walked to Zwanenburg during his break. I was then cycling on the Osdorperweg and got a flat tire. I told this to people there but they were not nice. I had a viewing for a house at 4:38 PM. It was 4:08 PM and Mounya walked to bus 80 to go to the viewing. Demi was the real estate agent for the home. I told Demi that I had slept there before because it was the house where Mounya lived before. Mounya was not with us and did not know that I was going to look at her old house for myself.

9 Apr 2024

Best Friend


I had a dream and my family and i went to a historical landmark to see and explore. Im not sure if its a real landmark but we had fun and my best friend that i havr a crush on showed up too. We had fun before he left. After that i wanted to go back to the little mexican store with my sister to but more churros. In the beginning of the dream thats where we got snacks before exploring the place. It was a little awkward eith the customers and employees but it felt familiar like any mexican store. The churros tasted so good i wanted to eat and buy as many as possible. We bought our churros then moved to allow the other ppl in line a turn. I stayed in the shop to check out what chips they hd and they had limited edition and nee flavors such as blue churromais and lime ruffles. I got very excited and wanted to buy them right away but looked at the line and it wasnt moving. Ppl were just standinf there not going up to the cashier but standinf in line. I wanted to avoid any uncomfortable/ unnecessary situation so i looked outside the shop that had no door and told my brother i would come back to buy them later.

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