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12 Aug 2024



I was in my fathers mansion. It was heavily exaggerated in this dream and quite big and colored with beautiful paintings. I was there with family and the house was very luxurious and cozy except for one problem: the kitchen door never locked. The kitchen door is the de facto entrance of my house and the fact it never locked was extremely dangerous as an unlocked mansion is a good heist for theives. I tried locking it several times every night but when it felt like I did, I found it open the next day.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

12 Aug 2024



I was in a party, a big party in Hollywood Hills, and there was a fashion show, there were a lot of people, a lot of celebrity, it was really nice, but then somebody came to me, he liked me, so he was trying to jump with me to the pool, and my iPhone was on me, and then my iPhone fell all the way deep inside the pool, and I was so upset, I was like, oh my God, we've got to go get my iPhone, so I walked around the party and I asked everybody, can you help me get my iPhone, can you help me get my iPhone. And people weren't so nice actually. They were not nice. Everybody were like, it was a party in like Hollywood. People were not nice. Nobody wanted to help me get the iPhone. And I was starting to worry. And then I took Julia with me and Julia disappeared. And then I saw two, two goats picking up Julia and taking her away. Like they want to eat my dog and I was panicking. So I ran to get Julia and I was freaking out. And I was really worried about my iPhone and Julia and people were just not nice in the gym. And then this woman, I came to her and I said, can you please help me get my iPhone? I can't swim deep and get it. Do you have a device? And there was a lot going on at the party. A lot of people, a lot of celebrity with the live fashion show. And the woman zipped my neck and I fell. I crashed. And then I was like, while I was falling on the ground, I was really worried about my dog. I was like, oh my God, she zipped me. My dog is running around free. and then somehow somebody a guy was a guy that I didn't know a complete stranger saw me on the ground and decided to help me and I told him you really have to find my dog and really need my iPhone please help me and thank God for this guy he helped me find Julia and he was on the rooftop pool party on the rooftop in Hollywood and he helped me get Julia he helped me he helped me get the phone and then he said oh my god who zapped you do they know who you are and I said no I don't know if they know me and he said oh my god I'm gonna be in big trouble they can't get go to jail they're not allowed to touch you you're an angel nobody allows to touch you and he said let me let me take care of it and this guy really was really like another angel that came for another planet almost he felt like that really want to protect me and make sure that me and my family and my dog are okay and even and even he got me my iPhone

12 Aug 2024

Little Brother


I just had a dream last night that I was being followed and chased while running for my life. I saw my little brother coming up the stairs with me. And.. in the dream I got captured by the man that was following me. The man noticed me and started to run and chasing me, trying to grab me. So I kept running and running and running. I couldn’t stop running. I told my little brother “GO! Elias GO! GO! Go!!!!! I’m being followed, Elias I need you to run REALLY fast and find Mami, RUN towards mom do you hear me RUN!!!!??!!!” We kept running and running and running!! The man that was running towards me trying to come at me he started to get mad, and started to throw a tantrum. I kept running and running. I kept gasping and heavy breathing. And I said “Elias GO, GO, Gooooooo!!!! 😰😰😨😳😳😳” and we went straight to my mom’s house. And I woke up

12 Aug 2024



Dream 8/12 My brother was really young, almost a baby again and I was in charge of him. Something was happening- we were trapped in a school maybe? I don’t remember the setting but I had to fix something, I don’t remember what. There was a girl there and I couldn’t help her. I didn’t know her. She needed me but for some reason I couldn’t go in her room. I could see a projector on behind her but I don’t remember what it had on it. She looked scared. Then i picked up my brother and had to take him to his mom. She was happy he was safe then told me i had to leave. I didn’t argue with her. When I left I was in a different place. I was running from something on the city rooftops. At first I was with someone, I don’t remember who it was. I knew her in the dream, we were close, but I don’t know her in my waking life. It kept raining, until the sky darkened a lot. The tornadoes started. I pushed her into a building to keep her safe and then I outran the tornado. I ran into my family, my mom and my dad? And a different brother. I was trying to explain to them that it was dangerous and there were tornadoes coming out- there were 3 of them. But they weren’t listening to me until the tornado got closer. They got in the car and left. I hid in a building and watched the tornado pull tiles off a building and they made loud noise when they came off. Then the tornado disappeared. I came outside and the girl fr before was back. I hugged her. There was thunder and when we looked up the sky was opening up and another tornado was coming down. But it wasn’t the way a tornado is really, there was no spinning clouds or anything. It was like a hole opened up in the sky and a long tube of spinning wind came out of it. We hid in a destroyed bedroom and the dream ended.

12 Aug 2024

Red hair
White dress


In my dream last night, we were at a family Christmas party but I had not seen my family in years. We had a Christmas play and it was going to be the first time my family was going to meet my daughter. I had a daughter, a little girl who looked just like me. She was a redhead, too, and about 3 or 4 years old. Her name was also Channing. She was so beautiful and happy and smart and such a good girl. She loved me. She loved me so much. She was dressed identically to how I was in my christening photo when I was a newborn baby- a white dress. I had done her hair with a gold Christmas tree crown and she was going to come out of the room we were waiting in holding my hand and she was to walk up to my mom, her grandmother, for the first time. My parents had no idea I had a baby. I had done it all on my own and kept the entire thing a secret, something that was mine that I was not ashamed of and not going to let them ruin for me. I was so proud of her. I could see the love in her eyes for me. When came out into the room everyone knew she was mine. She was a spitting image of me when I was her age. My mom embraced her and was so happy. She hugged her and loved her and was in awe of the likeness she had to me when I was her age. Later my mom and I were in the car except this time my daughter was much younger, nursing age and I asked my mom how to feed her because I had never nursed before. My mom was driving and I was in the passenger seat with baby Channing. My mom verbally helped me but unenthusiastically or in a way like I should know what to do, but I didn’t. I needed my mom and she wasn’t there for me. My mom told me the baby just needed to latch on. She did for a few sips then stopped and just laid there sad, almost like she had given up. The situation felt toxic. It felt nothing like the Christmas party reveal part of the dream when the baby was much older and no one in my family knew about her.

12 Aug 2024



I open the door out of my house and stand on the porch/patio. I hand a loved one my phone and say here use my phone. I will see you when I get there. And I depart without my cell phone. I'm in a large modern airport. I head towards ticketing and the Deta counter. I am traveling light I just have a single small duffle and a backpack. I check the duffle and proceed to the gate. I've got time to kill, so I head towards the 2nd floor which boasts a very large arcade. "You should check out the arcade!* A man in an airline uniform exclaims, "although you may want to set an alarm for yourself so you don't miss your flight" I nod, looking at my watch. 'Good idea" I say. I play some games then end up having lunch with a fellow traveler. She offers to pay, "oh I have cash" I say "she puts down $100. I check to see if I have change. I can break it and cover the $14 I owe her but I'm coming up $10 short. "Do you have Venmo or Cash app?" I ask her. "I can send you the money electronically if you have either of those. She shakes her head No, I give her my contact info and say to let me know once she's created the account and I'll send her the $10. She agrees and we part ways. I check my watch, my alarm is about to go off, so I head to the delta counter. My flight is ready for departure!

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