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22 Nov 2024



I was someplace with a bunch of people trying to get work done and it was very hard to find a place to work although I did get some done and felt like it was enough for the moment. We all Had to wait for a plane to take us to Cedar Rapids and people were doing various things to pass the time. My sister Lee was in the back making off color jokes that a different group of men interpreted as gross so that was off putting to our group and we didn’t like them. The pilot walked by and was very short and looked sketchy. We still had to wait. I couldn’t find a place to go to the bathroom. The open ones were plugged and there was one that was communal but it was filled with naked old women in the showers and very hot. One woman said every time the toilet flushed the heat came on. Then a series of tornadoes came and I realized I was going to be picked up but I was on a big piece of roof and it just spun me around kind of high and I splashed down into a lake and a first responder was right there handing me a beer. I wondered if everyone else was ok. I felt fine

22 Nov 2024



I dreamed that I was out on a date with someone. We were at a grocery store shopping together. We came to the cheese aisle and she showed her love for cheese. I looked at the aisle and agreed cheese are delicious. She showed her favorite, which is Colby jack. I agreed. There may be some intimacy, maybe sex, but it was brief. I then dreamed of being in a group of friends. I was honest about something and one guy asked me about a mistake I made. I admit it and he left. There was a woman who was pregnant. I teased her by kissing her belly and playing with her. I thought she got mad, but she was not and was laughing and saying, "Stop it!". I dreamed I was at a pool around people and going for a swim. It wss full so I found one with one person in it. I tried to do a freestyle but my form was lousy and the water sort of feel heavy that my form was not good. Then I dreamed that I was with people at school. We were in some kind of auditorium and there was a woman who was reading something on her phone about something she should learn and see about herself. Something about a secret. We were to help that woman make sense. We already took turns as I don't remember mine. When it was her turn, she looked at me and looked at the third guy. She looked at me and signed in sign language she didn't want to say it in front of him. She rather walk with me alone and tell me. I said okay and tried to comfort her, but she stopped and asked for a walk. That is when I woke up




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22 Nov 2024



I don't remember the whole dream, but I do remember being at a convention at one point. I remember seeing an old childhood classmate, and watching him with another man on a boat. They were looking around at islands. I was on the boat with them at one point, someone mentioned shooting a Lazer gun at one of the islands and I was not for that because they could kill someone. We passed and island with a bunch of sheep and I said "look you would hit all the sheepys" So no one shot a Lazer gun. Then at some point I saw from an outside perspective, an octopus arm come out of the water and grab one of the guys. My old classmate was trying to save him, ripping him from the octopus grasp a few times. Then when they thought the coast was clear the octopus grabbed the man again and drug him down. He sat on the animal's head as it swam away down the stream, and my classmate followed with the boat. I woke and fell back asleep to a different dream where I was with my grandparents eating. My grandpa (who in the waking world is slowly dying, and can't move or speak) was sitting with another man in a chair eating. When he was finished, he said "well thank you I'm going to go" and tried to get up. I yelled "grandpa!" and rushed over to him because he couldn't walk. I heard Wanno say "grab his wheelchair" which was right next to him, so I grabbed it and helped him pivot. I don't remember anything else right now.

22 Nov 2024



I dreamed about a guy I like and we were hanging out and then I was supposed to leave, but somehow I overstayed and I don’t know if I was sleeping in my car or what it was, but he expected me to already be gone. I remember waking up in the dark and carefully walking down the road, hoping that he didn’t see that I was still there and had fallen asleep, because I really didn’t know what was going on with him, and I always felt like he was hiding something and I didn’t feel comfortable being seen by him. so here I was sneaking away, but walking in the dark down the road away from his house, and then suddenly I was in someone else’s house, and I don’t remember if I knew him, but I was sitting on the couch with nothing around me but either a towel or a blanket and I was talking to this guy and I don’t think anything untoward happened … and suddenly his wife or girlfriend walked into the room and probably didn’t believe that nothing had happened, and so I was hugely uncomfortable and scared and embarrassed, and I tried to tell her nothing happened and I hurried to another room to get dressed so I could leave. But obviously as anyone would, I could tell that she was really angry at me and thought I was the scum of the earth basically. I felt so uncomfortable and unwanted in both situations and I just wanted to get out of there. This is related to something that happened yesterday where a guy I really like, but who seems to always have red flags and be unavailable, didn’t have more time to spend with me on our date and seems to always be in a hurry and there are a lot of trust issues with him.

22 Nov 2024

Being Late


I dreamed about a guy I like and we were hanging out and then I was supposed to leave, but somehow I overstayed and I don’t know if I was sleeping in my car or what it was, but he expected me to already be gone. I remember waking up in the dark and carefully walking down the road, hoping that he didn’t see that I was still there and had fallen asleep, because I really didn’t know what was going on with him, and I always felt like he was hiding something and I didn’t feel comfortable being seen by him. so here I was sneaking away, but walking in the dark down the road away from his house, and then suddenly I was in someone else’s house, and I don’t remember if I knew him, but I was sitting on the couch with nothing around me but either a towel or a blanket and I was talking to this guy and I don’t think anything untoward happened … and suddenly his wife or girlfriend walked into the room and probably didn’t believe that nothing had happened, and so I was hugely uncomfortable and scared and embarrassed, and I tried to tell her nothing happened and I hurried to another room to get dressed so I could leave. But obviously as anyone would, I could tell that she was really angry at me and thought I was the scum of the earth basically. I felt so uncomfortable and unwanted in both situations and I just wanted to get out of there. This is related to something that happened yesterday where a guy I really like, but who seems to always have red flags and be unavailable, didn’t have more time to spend with me on our date and seems to always be in a hurry and there are a lot of trust issues with him.

22 Nov 2024



The first part of my dream I was sitting in front of a community of White Gorillas who were previous humans that converted to being white gorillas and lived in the jungle by the beach. The second dream I had was stumbling upon a spiritual center that seemed to be a Buddhist temple. A nice lady found me outside and told me there will be a lecture happening soon and that I should attend. Do so she gave me a comfortable white furry blanket and sat me down. I sat and waited as lots of Indian kids and some Buddhist monks came filled in the room. Unfortunately the lecture didn’t last long because one of the Indian kids started yelling and scared all the other kids who all ended up crying and screaming and running out of the lecture hall. The Buddhist monks were the only ones who kept their composure. The third part of my dream I introduced myself to some local tour guides to ask what the logistics would be for me and my friend group to go tubing down this river and if we’d have enough time to do it today or if we should wait to do it tomorrow. Based off what the tour guide told me, I decided tomorrow morning would be best. I liked how I was the one in the friend group who was trusted to make this decision The last dream I had was me paragliding over the beach. I was really good at it and would gliding really fast. It was so cool to look over the beach and see how impressed people were of my capabilities

22 Nov 2024



Last night I dreamt that my older sister, (who is also my mommy sister) and my favorite sister, she told me that if I played a particular gambling game with our cousin, (who we both don't really care for and only tolerate). If I played this game with him, she would rescind her offer of support and money and she would want her money back. This is the second time that I've had this particular dream. But this time when she said it, I said, are you serious? And she said, yes. So I said, fine, then you can take back your credit cards and any and all money you've ever given me because I'm not going to be controlled by anybody. And I got up from the couch in my house and went into my bedroom in my purse, took out my wallet and started looking for any and all credit cards, money, or anything else she ever gave me so I could give it back to her. But I was hurt and the hurt in my dream woke me up before I could actually give it to her.

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